Deepika Padukone to turn a producer – read EXCLUSIVE details! Deepika Padukone is venturing into more than just Hollywood this year. The actress is certainly not willing to wait back and watch as her Bollywood contemporaries take on interesting roles. Deepika added another feather to her cap by featuring in the Forbes list of highest paid actresses. The lady is now ready to join the likes of Priyanka Chopra and Anushka Sharma and kickstart her own banner. Yes, Deepika will soon turn a producer. The actress is amidst some script reading sessions and do not be surprised if she soon makes her big announcement sometime soon. A well placed source revealed to BollywoodLife that the actress has a busy schedule at the moment, however she is taking time out to make sure that her planned production house plans don’t suffer. Our source said, “Deepika has been keen to start her own production house. She is on top of her game at the moment and wants to enter into film production. Deepika is reading scripts and will only make the big announcement when she finds the perfect debut venture.”
Before Deepika, Anushka too has dabbled into production and tasted success. The actress tried a hatke film NH10 and won not just the critics but the film also was a box office hit. Priyanka Chopra recently entered into regional films production with her maiden Bhojpuri venture. The film however faced a lot of flak and Priyanka found herself amidst controversy. Other like Neha Dhupia and Lara Dutta too have tried a hand at production.