This video of Akshay Kumar reacting on surgical strike and Fawad Khan ban will make you say ‘Salute, sire’! Years ago, actor-director Manoj Kumar had earned the epithet ‘Bharat’ for the socially relevant and nationalistic films he had made. Now it’s time to bestow that title to one of the actors of this generation, and that actor happens to be Akshay Kumar. Be it in his movies or in real life, Akshay Kumar has been proudly wearing the tricolour on his sleeves. As the country is fighting over some red hot issues, Akshay Kumar has finally decided to drop his silent stance and speak up. And speak up, he did, as he posted a video of himself on his Twitter timeline, where he blasted those who are fighting over little issues when the safety of the entire country is being breached by the miscreants from outside.
Even since the Pakistani militants attacked and killed several of our soldiers in the military post in the town of Uri, the country has been in an internal war with itself and also with the neighbouring country. Political parties have been demanding a ban on all Pakistani artistes, like Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan, from working in Bollywood. Bollywood itself is divided over the issue. Moreover, India conducted a secret surgical attack over the terrorist posts on the border, which many of our own people are saying never happened, forget Pakistani generals. For those naysayers in our country, Akshay Kumar has something to say, that he claims has been on his mind for the past few days and you have got to listen to it.