
Tuesday 11 October 2016

Beyhadh Jennifer Winget Written Update Sony - Tv 2016

 Beyhadh Jennifer Winget Written Update Sony - Tv 2016
Beyhadh 2nd January 2017 Written Episode
While Arjun is enjoying the island, his boat goes away. Water comes on him and he realises his boat has gone away and now he has no way to go back.
Saanjh is sad. She’s looking at her and Arjun’s photos. Her mum sees this and feels sad for Saanjh. She tries to divert her mind, but fails.
Arjun tries to call his crew, but there’s no network. He screams for help as water starts covering the island.
Maya sees crew’s boat coming and gets happy thinking Arjun is in there. On not seeing him, she gets tensed. She asks her crew about him. The crew says they warned him about the high tide, but he was not ready to listen to them. He sent them away and said he’ll come later.
Arjun is screaming for help.
Saanjh falls asleep and a candle falls on her
photos. Arjun’s photo gets burned. She gets worried for Arjun.
A crew member tells Maya what if anything happens to Arjun. Maya slaps her for thinking like that and warns her if anything happens to him, then she won’t spare her. Maya goes to save Arjun herself despite her crew saying it’s risky.
Saanjh is trying to call Arjun. Suman says what craziness is this? Saanjh says Arjun is in trouble. Suman says then ask someone in office. Saanjh calls Riya who informs her about Arjun’s situation. Saanjh is shocked. Her dad tells her not to overreact. Arjun’s crew is there. They will save him. Saanjh is worried saying ‘my Arjun’ ‘my Arjun’. Her dad loses his cool and says he’s not your Arjun. He’s Maya’s Arjun. Saanjh cries and asks her dad to do something. Arjun is alone there. Her dad walks away. Saanjh tells Suman that she’s scared for Arjun. Sumar says nothing will happen to ‘your Arjun’.
Maya is searching Arjun. Arjun is screaming for help. He’s relived seeing a boat coming towards him. It’s Maya’s boat. Arjun jumps in joy like a child. Maya gets down and runs towards him. Arjun says thank God you came.. I was so afraid. Maya pushes him asking you were afraid? He falls down. She grabs his collar and asks what he thinks of himself. If he thinks his life has no value, then ask her. He’s her ‘jaan’. She beats him up and scolds he is so selfish, only thinks about himself. She doesn’t even know swimming.. what if she had drowned. Now she gets mad and tells him that he will only do as she says. He’ll walk on the path which she tells him to walk on. She asks okay? He nods. She takes his hand and takes him to the boat. They go away.
Saanjh’s dad gives her ticket to Mauritius and tells her to save Arjun. He says she’s here, but her heart and mind is there in Mauritius since Arjun left. He gives her a chain saying Suman made it for Saanjh’s husband. He asks Saanjh to go and bring Arjun back. But this is her last chance. He tells her to go and propose him. If he accepts the proposal, then she will get all happiness. But if he rejects the proposal, then she will never think about Arjun again and accept her dad’s decision. He asks her for promise. Saanjh promises him and thanks him. Her dad wishes her the best.
Maya is still furious and scolding Arjun. Does he enjoy seeing Maya like this? She tells him this is enough. Don’t make someone helpless that her love becomes her weakness and not strength. He tries to shut her up, but she continues scolding. He gets up and covers her mouth. He asks her to look the view around.. there is no daily troubles, there is no everyday’s people. Here is just them two.. far away from everyone.
Saajnh’s family encourages her and wishes her the best as she leaves for the airport.
Maya is sitting in Arjun’s arms. Arjun tells her that life is not in past or future.. it’s in present moment… this moment where they are together. He asks her to live this moment. Forget her sadness, problems, everything. He takes her hand in his and puts it in the water. He asks what if something had really happened to him today. She says, you’re my jaan. How would I be able to live if something had happened to my jaan?. Maya falls asleep. Arjun sees a flower and recalls him saying he will give that special flower to a special person who will come in his life. He looks at Maya and recalls her proposing him…their close moments… Maya’s care for him. He goes to kiss her forehead and episode ends.
Precap: Saanjh arrives in Mauritius. Arjun puts a ring in someone’s (Maya’s finger) under water.

Beyhadh 30th December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun and Maya reach Mauritius. Immigration officer checks Arjun’s passport and sayys he is traveling Internationally for the first time. Arjun lies that he has traveled a lot. Officer ssays his passport is blank. Arjun says he likes his passport clean. Officer applies seal and says welcome to Mauritius. Maya says her passport is dirty, she has to learn to keep it clean like Arjun, says this is Arjun’s one of many international trips and says let us go now. They come out and Arjun comments on Mauritius’ trees. He sees a sports car and loudly comments. Car stops in front of hiim. He gets afraid. Driver gets out of car and greets Maya. Maya says this is their car and gets into driver seat. Arjun is surpised. They both leave.
Saanjh returns home and asks Suman
to get her tea. Prem says he needs to talk about Arjun. Saanjh says she is getting late for office and leaves.
Arjun looks at his Mauritius trip wish list. Maya says until she is there, he does not have to keep list. He says he wants to fulfill all his wish today itself and not from tomorrow. Maya says okay. He says he will find out location for shooting and leaves. Maya calls someone and orders to arrange Arjun’s Rece today instead of tomorrow and not make any mistake.
Arjun meets people near beach enjoys beach environment. He says though Dusky/Saanjh is not with him, he will be with her always, she ignored him for 1 day and got so egoistic. He wil lforgive him though and will call her. Saanjh is in office busy working angrily, sees Arjun’s call and disconnects it. Arjun takes selfies and sends them to hear to make her jealous and thinks se will call him back for sure. He then goes on a boat ride. Saanjh gets Arjun’s selfies and smiles looking at them, but then gets jealous looking at Maya with Arjun. Boss notices her crying and offers her water and says tears will give only dehydration, asks the reason. He jokes his junior is tensed today, so she can go home today. Saanjh shouts why should she take leave, she will work. Boss returns to his seat. Saanjh cries vigorously and murmurs why duffer left her hand and made her alone. Arjun continues enjoying boat ride and selects a floating island. Crew member says it is very risky and this island will drown in water within 3 hours. Arjun says he is photographer and will decide.
Saanjh enjoys trip walking with a white veil in cool breeze. She dances and thinks after todaay Arjun will be forever hers. Arjun gets on floating island and explains his theme to crew members. Crew member gets a message it is time for high tide and they have to go. Arjun jokes and asks crew to leave, he will take a few more shots and come later. Arjun draws Saanjh’s name on sand and thinks of her. He then draws Maya’s name and thinks she feels he is inching towards his life and falls asleep on sand. Maya sleeps on sand on the other island thinking of Arjun and draws his name on sand, says I love you Arjun and smiles. High tide starts and Arjun’s boat floats away while Arjun is sound asleep.
Precap: Arjun gets stuck on island and shouts for help. Maya slaps crew for leaving Arjun on island and rushes on boat to save him..

Beyhadh 29th December 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh rushes to airport and tries to get in to meet Arjun, but guards stop him and say she cannot get in without ticket. Saanjh sees Arjun and calls him Arjun, Duffer…., but he does not listen her. She then sees Maya coming and Arjun while trying to take selfe slips and Maya holds him. Arjun asks Maya if she is also coming. She asks if he thought she would send him alone. Saanjh stands in a shock and starts crying… Alarm clock with her voice recording falls down and it repeats wake up Arjun, duffer wake up. Arjun hears it and turns. Saanjh hides. Maya asks what happened. Arjun says he felt someone is calling her. She says he has to learn to stop looking behind and walks with him in. Saachi comes back and picks alarm clock and cries more.
Saanjh goes home and cries lying on bed reminiscing Arjun and Maya’s closness and looking at alarm clock. Suman and Prem enter and ask what happened to her. She says Arjun has forgotten her friendship and likes Maya now. They ask what happened and call Vandana. Saanjh tells Arjun lied that he is going alone to Mauritius and went with Maya. Vandana says how can it be. Saanjh says this is what happened.
Arjun walks with Maya towards check out and says he will send message to Saanjh and make her jealous. He goes and stands in general class que while Maya stands in Business class. He thinks Maya will go in business class and he has to go in janata class. Maya calls him and says his ticket is booked with her. He excitedly clicks selfies with business class board and gets into flight. He and Maya sit together. He says he says again that he will send selfies to Saanjh and make her jealous. Air hostess announces to switch off mobile as flight will take off. Maya asks him to switch off mobile and forget Saanjh for some time.
Maya tells Vandana that truth is Arjun also likes Maya now. Saanjh goes to terrace and continues crying reminiscing her love for Arjun.
Precap: Arjun and Maya reach a 5-star hotel and staff greet them in a royal way. Arjun gets excited seeing sports car and asks Maya if he can do recce today itself instead of tomorrow. Maya says okay, calls someone and asks to make arrangement and not make any mistakes.
Beyhadh 27th December 2016 Written Episode
Ayan calls Saanjh in the morning. Saanjh wakes up and asks what happened, if Arjun is fine. Ayan says Arjun left. Saanjh asks where. Ayaan says whee he should be. Arjun runs to terrace and gets Maya from terrace wall and asks if she did not go home whole night. She says he told he will be back, so she was waiting for him. He asks whole night. She says she can wait for him whole life, she thought he left hearing her story. He says he respects her more hearing her story, her story changed his life. he hugs and thanks he. She reciprocates and smiles.
Saanjh asks why Arjun left, what happened. Ayan says maa scolded him and wanted to leave home, but Arjun apologized her and accepted her as mother. Thanks to her that she returned Vandana her son. Saanjh says she is coming there.
Brother asks what happened now. Saajh says Arjun got back his mother. Brother asks from which shop. Saanjh throws pillow on him and leaves.
Arjun tells Maya that because of her, he got back his mother. He used to think his step mom is his problem, but she used to love him so much and forgave all his mistakes. He hugs her again and thanks her. He says he will let her meet his mom and not step mom now and takes her. Suman and Prem watch whole and fume. They return home. Saanjh wears her shoes and informs them that he duffer accepted Vandana aunty as mother. Suman says she should not go. Saanjh says she has to go, else her duffer will be angry. She leaves. Prem says Suman they should have informed Saanjh about Arjun and Maya and that she is coming between Arjun and Maya.
Ayan cuts onions wiping his tears. Vandana asks to give it to him. He says no, bhai will cut him into pieces. Once Saanjh comes, he will give it to her. Door bell rings. Vandana says their happiness came and opens door. She and Ayan are shocked to see Arjun entering with Maya and telling Vandana that she is the one who made him realizes his mistake and got him back his mother and completed his incomplete life. He asks Maya to come in. Maya comes in stepping her right leg in and tells Vandana that she told her earlier that people are not incomplete but environment makes them incomplete, now everything has changed. She tries to touch Vandana’s feet and Vandana backs off. Maya fumes in anger but smiles and says if something good happens, they touch elder’s feet and today good happened. Arjun signals Vandana to let her touch feet. Vandana hesitantly blesses her. Saanjh comes and shatters seeing all this. Arjun sees her and calls Dusky. Maya says without Saanjh, Arjun’s happiness cannot complete. Arjun says Saanjh that she pestered him whole life for this and Maya completed her work, if she is happy now. Saanjh runs and hugs Vandana and cries. Arjun says they are all happy because of Maya. Saanjh wiping her tears says she is very happy and thanks Maya. Maya says it is her duty as a friend and she fulfills her every duty, she will leave now. Arjun says he will drop Maya and will return with bread. Maya tells Vandana that some relationships take yeaars to bloom and some just moments and the one developed recently will be forever, she should get habituated to them now. Vandana stands dumbstuck watching Arjun and Maya leaving. She then looks at shattered Saanjh and consoles her.
Maya slips while walking towards car and Arjun holds her and says he will not let her fall in life again. Maya asks in life. He says not after today after what she did to him, will even give his life. She says he does not know his life’s value, only she knows. They both get into car and leave. Maya stops him and says she forgot her phone in his house.
Vandana tries to console Saanjh. Saanjh says whatever happened is good, she tried to convince Arjun to accept Vandana as mother, but he did not and easily agreed to Maya’s words. Vandana asks till when she will hide her feeling for Arjun. Saanjh says how to tell Arjun that his dusky loves him, it is too late. She opens door and stops seeing someone.
Arjun returns Maya’s mobile. Maya smiles and says he has decided to steal everything. She calls Jahnvi to inform that she is fine. Jahnvi is tied and tries to free herself. Ayan calls Arjun and informs him that Ashwin has come there. Jahnvi calls Maya and informs her what happend. Arjun fumes that he will come there right now.
Precap: Arjun drags Ashwin out and beats him like a street dog. Ashwin tells Maya that Arjun will not stay away from her truth for long.


Beyhadh 27th December 2016 Written Episode
Ayan calls Saanjh in the morning. Saanjh wakes up and asks what happened, if Arjun is fine. Ayan says Arjun left. Saanjh asks where. Ayaan says whee he should be. Arjun runs to terrace and gets Maya from terrace wall and asks if she did not go home whole night. She says he told he will be back, so she was waiting for him. He asks whole night. She says she can wait for him whole life, she thought he left hearing her story. He says he respects her more hearing her story, her story changed his life. he hugs and thanks he. She reciprocates and smiles.
Saanjh asks why Arjun left, what happened. Ayan says maa scolded him and wanted to leave home, but Arjun apologized her and accepted her as mother. Thanks to her that she returned Vandana her son. Saanjh says she is coming there.
Brother asks what happened now. Saajh says Arjun got back his mother. Brother asks from which shop. Saanjh throws pillow on him and leaves.
Arjun tells Maya that because of her, he got back his mother. He used to think his step mom is his problem, but she used to love him so much and forgave all his mistakes. He hugs her again and thanks her. He says he will let her meet his mom and not step mom now and takes her. Suman and Prem watch whole and fume. They return home. Saanjh wears her shoes and informs them that he duffer accepted Vandana aunty as mother. Suman says she should not go. Saanjh says she has to go, else her duffer will be angry. She leaves. Prem says Suman they should have informed Saanjh about Arjun and Maya and that she is coming between Arjun and Maya.
Ayan cuts onions wiping his tears. Vandana asks to give it to him. He says no, bhai will cut him into pieces. Once Saanjh comes, he will give it to her. Door bell rings. Vandana says their happiness came and opens door. She and Ayan are shocked to see Arjun entering with Maya and telling Vandana that she is the one who made him realizes his mistake and got him back his mother and completed his incomplete life. He asks Maya to come in. Maya comes in stepping her right leg in and tells Vandana that she told her earlier that people are not incomplete but environment makes them incomplete, now everything has changed. She tries to touch Vandana’s feet and Vandana backs off. Maya fumes in anger but smiles and says if something good happens, they touch elder’s feet and today good happened. Arjun signals Vandana to let her touch feet. Vandana hesitantly blesses her. Saanjh comes and shatters seeing all this. Arjun sees her and calls Dusky. Maya says without Saanjh, Arjun’s happiness cannot complete. Arjun says Saanjh that she pestered him whole life for this and Maya completed her work, if she is happy now. Saanjh runs and hugs Vandana and cries. Arjun says they are all happy because of Maya. Saanjh wiping her tears says she is very happy and thanks Maya. Maya says it is her duty as a friend and she fulfills her every duty, she will leave now. Arjun says he will drop Maya and will return with bread. Maya tells Vandana that some relationships take yeaars to bloom and some just moments and the one developed recently will be forever, she should get habituated to them now. Vandana stands dumbstuck watching Arjun and Maya leaving. She then looks at shattered Saanjh and consoles her.
Maya slips while walking towards car and Arjun holds her and says he will not let her fall in life again. Maya asks in life. He says not after today after what she did to him, will even give his life. She says he does not know his life’s value, only she knows. They both get into car and leave. Maya stops him and says she forgot her phone in his house.
Vandana tries to console Saanjh. Saanjh says whatever happened is good, she tried to convince Arjun to accept Vandana as mother, but he did not and easily agreed to Maya’s words. Vandana asks till when she will hide her feeling for Arjun. Saanjh says how to tell Arjun that his dusky loves him, it is too late. She opens door and stops seeing someone.
Arjun returns Maya’s mobile. Maya smiles and says he has decided to steal everything. She calls Jahnvi to inform that she is fine. Jahnvi is tied and tries to free herself. Ayan calls Arjun and informs him that Ashwin has come there. Jahnvi calls Maya and informs her what happend. Arjun fumes that he will come there right now.
Precap: Arjun drags Ashwin out and beats him like a street dog. Ashwin tells Maya that Arjun will not stay away from her truth for long.

Beyhadh 26th December 2016 Written Episode

Maya asks Arjun if he will not leave her after hearing her story. He nods no. Maya tells story about her mother and Ashwin and tells Ashwin wanted to marry her mother for her wealth and her grandfather opposed it. Mom eloped with Ashwin and married him. Ashwin is a spoilt brat and continued his cruelty. Mom thought he will change after a baby will come in their lives, he did not and used to torture mom and her. Once on her 9th birthday, she caught Ashwin with a girl and informed mom, so mom threw Ashwin out of house. Ashwin continued torturing her and mom and used slit her elbow on her 9th birthday. She shows her elbow mark and then describes how he used to drown her in water tub in godown and throw colors on her, used to tell fake stories to her friend to keep him away. Her grandfather had
transferred whole property in her name with a condition nothing should happen to her til her 21st birthday. Ashwin continued to torture her. She slowly started working and became self efficient and threw Ashwin out of house finally. Ashwin continued his toture and mom gives him money to keep him away from her. She says he considers his mom for his bad life and she considers herself for keeping her mom away from her love. She has gone through a lot of trauma and does not to befriend anyone, but then he came in her life. Arjun reminisces insulting Vandana, feels guilty, tells Maya he will be back, and runs from there. Maya reminisces Jahnvi’s words and thinks Arjun left her after hearing her story and shatters more.
Arjun reaches home. Vandana says she is feeling guilty that she could not upbring Arjun well and did not reach him to respect elders, she is feeling pity on herself. She tells Arjun is right, this house is his, she was just a guest here. She gives him keys and says this is his house and she is returning his house to him. She failed in life and asks him to forgive her if possible. She walks towards door with her bag. Arjun looks at keys. He holds her legs and pleads not to leave him alone and punish him so much. Vandana says house is made with family bonding and not just by brick walls. She says a child’s love is mother’s right and if she had slapped him in childhood, he would have been like this. He asks to slap him then and says now he realized when he broke his hand when he was 12-year-old, why she used to feel pain. Vandana says she told already child’s love is mom’s right. Arjun calls her mom and she gets more emotional and hugs him. Arjun tells her to tell Ayan that she is only his mom and not Ayan’s. Ayan gets emotional seeing their bonding and hugs them.
In the morning, Arjun wakes up and finds himself on Vandan’s lap. He asks if he slept whole night on her lap. She says yes and wakes up, but limps. He says he gave her earlier heart pain and not leg pain. She says its okay and asks to get ready, she will prepare breakfast for him. He asks her to rest, her 2 sons will prepare breakfast. Vandana says bread finished at home. Arjun tells he will get bread, kisses Vandana’s forehead and leaves. Ayan asks Vandana how did this change happen. Vandana says for sure Saanjh changed Arjun’s heart. Arjun gets into his jeep and sees Maya still sitting on terrace wall, realizes she was on terrace whole night.
Precap: Arjun asks Maya if she was on terrace whole night. Maya says he asked her to wait here until he returns, she can wait for him whole life. Arjun tells Vandana that Maya is the one who changed his heart. Vandana is shocked.

Beyhadh 23rd December 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh hears Arjun telling Ayan that he bought dress for Maya, not Saanjh. She’s heartbroken.
Maya’s mum tells her to tell the truth to Arjun. She will have nothing to fear then. Maya recalls events from her dark past. She tells her mum that you need to hide wound if you want to get rid off it, else it becomes poison and kills you. She can’t tell the truth to Arjun.
Arjun tells Ayan that the dress was for Maya and he gave it to her. Both brothers are clueless what to do. Saanjh leaves from there. Vandana asks her whether she got her dress and became friends again? Saanjh is quiet. Vandana asks why she’s crying. She tries to leave, but Vandana stops her and asks her what happened. Saanjh tells her that dress was for Maya, not her. Vandana is shocked. Both brothers
come out. Vandana takes Saanjh to Arjun. She scolds Arjun. Saanjh asks her to leave it, but she says no. Arjun must answer her today. Arjun says it’s between him and Saanjh. She says it’s now his, her, and Maya’s matter. From day he started giving Saanjh’s smile to Maya, since then it’s everyone’s matter. Saanjh tries to keep her calm, but she says someone needs to explain relationships. Arjun doesn’t know it. Arjun says so she will explain relationships to him? He knows her truth. She became his mum’s friend and trapped her husband. Vandana is shocked. Arjun continues, she kept waiting when that sick woman dies and she marries her husband. Saanjh supports Vandana. Arjun says for him, she’s that woman who kept praying for his mum’s death, she’s that woman who took away his dad, that woman because of whom he’s alone. Vandana is in shock. Saanjh says enough. Who he is talking about is a picture put in a young boy’s mind. Arjun says, no, that is her truth. That is why he hates her. He had promised his dad, otherwise he would have broken relationship with her long ago. Saanjh says maybe she just doesn’t know Arjun. He asks she’s taking her side? Saanjh says it’s not about her or his side. What he’s saying is very wrong. She asks him to apologise to aunty, but he stays quiet.
Saanjh says fine. She tells Vandana there is no point crying for person who doesn’t care for her. She takes her and leaves from there. She asks Ayan to come as well. Arjun says go, he doesn’t need anyone. He still stops Ayan and asks he will do drama too? Ayan pushes his hand and says he doesn’t need anyone, right? Arjun says he said it in anger. Ayan says he said too much in anger. He always thought Arjun just says not his mum, but has feeling for her. He respects her, but he was wrong. Ayan leaves. Arjun is angry. He receives a call from Maya. He says he’ll talk later, he’s not in good mood and he will take his anger out on her for no reason. Maya says friends don’t wait till mood changes, they change mood together. She asks where he is. He says where no one sees his truth, where he’s all alone. He says he will call her later and hangs. Maya hugs the dress that he gave and says you’re never alone, Arjun. She sees his truth and today, he will make a decision for her truth.
Suman tells Vandana what decision will Arjun make. He said and she believed it? Vandana says, he never talked like this before. He was 6 years old when she went to his house to take care of his mum. He used to play a lot with her. But after his mother passed away, he went all quiet. She could never understand what his problems were. Vandana cries saying she’s very bad. Saanjh consoles her. She says Arjun never took her as his mum, but she took him as her son. If Arjun said anything wrong, then she should get angry at him for being his mum. If she says nothing, then Arjun will go further away from her. Other hand Arjun says, let them go. He doesn’t need anyone. Here Saanjh tells Vandana that Arjun needs her, her scolding, her slap. Maybe he doesn’t know it, but he gets all alone without her. It’s time to change the picture that he has kept in his mind since childhood.
Arjun is on terrace. He calls Saanjh, but she doesn’t pick up. He says he doesn’t need anyone. that means no one needs him either? He got little angry and everyone left him alone.
Vandana says how to explain him that it was not love relationship between her and Arjun’s dad. It was a relationship of need. The need of raising a child without a mother. She thought she will win Arjun with her love, but she lost.
Arjun again calls Saanjh, but she disconnects. He hears someone coming there and says he knew Saanjh would come. But it’s Maya. She says she told him friends won’t wait for mood to change. He asks how she found out he’s here. Maya tells him his words that he comes to this place for peace, but seems like today he’s not getting peace here either. Arjun says today he may not find peace in any corner. Maya says maybe he will find peace with a person sitting in those corners. When time is bad, good friends don’t leave you. And when time is good, bad friends don’t leave you. Arjun gets lost in some thoughts. She asked what happened. He says he just remembered some memories from his childhood.
Vandana says she married Arjun’s dad just so he doesn’t miss his mum. She thought she would convince him and all would be fine.
Here Arjun says how all would be fine. Vandana broke trust of his mum. His mum had cancer and she came to take care of her. She took such a care that his mum passed away in 2-3 months.
Vandana says Arjun’s mum had 3rd stage cancer. Doctors had given up, but she didn’t give up. She fought till her last breath.
Arjun says after his mother’s death, his father didn’t even wait for 6 months and married Vandana…as if both were waiting for his mother to die.
Vandana says she stayed in Arjun’s house for 4 months after his mother’s death. She didn’t care what others were saying. But it mattered to Arjun. He stopped talking to her. His father told her that they should marry. She only had Arjun in mind and she agreed. It was a compromise between them.
Arjun says his dad told him that they are marrying only for him and no one would take his mother’s place. But someone had already taken his mum’s place in his life.
Vandana says Arjun’s dad was a very good person. He never forced her for anything. They were just friends and they couldn’t know when that friendship turned into love and Ayan is symbol of their love.
Arjun says, his brother, his jaan. Only good thing from that relationship.
Vandana says Ayan did what she couldn’t do for years. Arjun started talking to her because of Ayan.
Arjun says his father left and took promise from him to take care of Ayan’s mum. He will never be able to give his mother’s place to her, but he will always fulfill his responsibility.
Vandana says she hoped he would accept her as a mother one day, but she lost.
Arjun says he lost. Neither he is able to fulfill relationships, nor able to break them. Maya says he’s just trying to run away from relationships. Her friend had said look from a different angle and your view will change. She asks him to try that. Maya has closed her eyes. He says she’s telling him to look from a different view and she has closed her own eyes. She says she’s afraid of heavy wind. He moves her hair from her face and turns her to him. He says when you open eyes, you will only see me, not fear. She opens her eyes and asks he will not run away knowing her past? Past that he can’t even imagine.
Precap: Maya tells Arjun that he blames Vandana for breaking his relationship with his dad and she blames herself for separating her mum from her love. She can’t see her mum’s pain and she can’t give her medicine of it. Suddenly Arjun says he has to go and he leaves.

Beyhadh 22nd December 2016 Written Episode
Maya smears her hand withh lipstick and looks at it carefully with expressions like usual psychopath reminiscing Arjun’s words and Ashwin’s torture. Jahnvi opens door with duplicate key and searches Maya. She sees Maya with lipstick on her hands and asks if she is fine.
Arjun at home sipping cool drinks scolds himself that he forcefully suggested Maya to add some colors in her life, why should she. He picks phone to call her, but stops reminisces Maya telling she hates colors and looking at them she feels someone is choking her. He thikns he has to find out why Maya has problems with color. Door bell rings. Arjun says who is it, he is not at home.. he is just joking and opens door. Saanjh comes and says him hello. He does not reply. She asks what happened..He says office
problem and asks why did she come. She says wo actually maa yahan/mom here. Arjun hears Maya and yells why she is always behind Maya, why should he be only her friend and not Maya’s… He continues. She asks him to shut up..she did not tell Maya at all. She told maa forget her shoes here..shouts he is obsessed with Maya and leaves. Arjun yells everyone think him as temple bell and hit him repeatedly.
Saanjh reaches home angrily. Suman asks if she brought her shoes, she has to go on a walk with Vandana. Arjun calls Saanjh, but she disconnects it. He redials. Ayan speaks. Saanjh says she does not want to speak. Arjun yells everyone scolds him for Maya. Ayan says actually yes…and gives his side of explanation. Arjun thinks everyone use him as a punching bag… He looks at shopping website and gets an idea.
Vandana and Suman walk in gardenn and discuss Maya is getting big problem for Saanjh and Arjun’s relationship, they have do something.
Ayan calls Saanjh. Saanjh asks what now. He says he does not mind if she does not talk to him, but she should come and see Arjun’s surprise gift for her. She says impossible, he does not even give melting ice cream, forget gift. He asks her to come and see herself in corridor. She says okay and smiles. Ayan knocks bathroom door and asks Arjun when will come out. Arjun says the more he knocks, he will say 5 min more, PIP bro. Ayan says potty in peace and locks door from outside. Saanjh comes in. Vandana asks her to show her anger for some time. Saanjh sees red dress and says this is her favorite color. She asks Ayan not to tell Arjun that she had come and leaves. Ayan unlocks door. Arjun comes out and asks why did he lock. Ayan says like he used to lock him in bathroom in childhood, says his parcel came. Arjun asks him not to touch it, it is for aunty. Ayan asks which aunty. He says secret.. Vandana calls Suman and happily tells Arjun’s train is coming on track slowly. They both laugh.
Arjun enters Maya’s cabin next morning and gives her a gift box. She opens it and sees a red dress in it and looks at carefully. Ajun says he knows she hates colors, but changing thinking can change the world, even she should. He used to be afraid of heights, so papa forcefully made him climb tree..he got so busy in grabbing mangoes that he forgot his fear. He is not forcing her, she should just try color once and see the change. Maya asks him if he came to her house climbing 15 floors for those mangoes. He says something similar and leaves. Maya looks at dress and smiles.
Saanjh walking towards Arjun’s flat thinks before giving gift, Arjun will apologize, but she will act for sometime. She rings bell. Arjun opens door and apologizes. She says it is not done, what is the value of her anger. He says vada pav, lollipop, SST/sasta sundar tikau. He offers her lollipop. She asks again what is the value of her anger. He says sit-ups and does some. She says her favorite color dress. He asks which dress. Ayan says Saanjh saw red dress and he told Saanjh. Arjun stands tensed.
Mala hangs dress in her room and reminisces Arjun’s words looking at it. Jahnvi enters and suggests her to tell truth to Arjun before Ashwin tells him.
Arjun takes Ayan inside room and scolds him that he will kill him without a poison, that dress was not for Saanjh. Ayan asks it is for shooting, not a problem, they will give it to Saanjh for 2 days and then return it back. Arjun tells that dress is for Maya Saanjh hears that and shatters.
Precap: Arjun yells at Vandana that she betrayed her bestfriend and trapped her husband. Saanjh takes Vandana to her home. Maya calls Arjun and asks where is he. Arjun shouts where he can be alone. Maya says he is not alone and thinks she will tell her truth to him.

Beyhadh 21st December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun calls Maya and asks her to meet him in office basement godown. Maya panics in front of Jahnvi that Arjun will leave her now. Jahnvi says he will not if she tells him truth. Maya panics more and says he will. Jahnvi assures him nothing will happen. Maya reaches godown and panics more reminiscing how Ashwin tortured her in childhood, him repeatedly locking her in godown, throwing colors on her, slapping and kicking her, drowning her in water tub, etc…
Arjun enters and says her truth is out now, she cannot hide it. Maya panics thinking he came to know about her truth. He switches on light and asks how could she hide such a beautiful place from him, he can do all his shooting here and does not have to go anywhere else. Maya relaxes that he does not know anything.
Arjun throws colors on walls and says she should change vision towards colors and try them. She says colors are not for her, she hates them. He removes curtain from a mirror and shows her that already he applies colors on her. She colors paints sprinkled on her dress. She reminisces Ashwin throwing paint on her and angrily breaks glass. He holds her and rolls them both over paints smeared wall. Maya walks angrily. Arjun suggests her again to change her vision on colors.
Maya reaches home. Jahnvi is shocked to see her smeared in colors and asks if she is fine. Maya walks into her room and locks door. Jahnvi knocks door and goes to get duplicate keys. Maya reminisces Arjun’s incident and then Ashwin torture. She takes bathes, comes out and picks lipstick. She tries to apply it, but reminisces Ashwin throwing color on her and smears her hands with lipstick. Jahnvi continues searching key in cupboard.
Precap: Saanjh sees red dress in Arjun’s room and gets happy that Arjun bought it for her. She says Ayan this is her favorite color, Arjun still care for her. Arjun gifts same dress to Maya and suggests her to change and vision and try colors once.

Beyhadh 20th December 2016 Written Episode
Maya tells Arjun that they should not bother about barking dogs and move on. Arjun praises her that she is successful because of this. She asks what if someone pesters her. He says he did not build body just for fun, he has made friendship with her and will smash whoever will trouble her. Maya laughs and says today is Saturday, so he can go home. He leaves. She looks at dustbin and her laptop.
Ashwin meets aide and tells he wants to know abot Arjun, what he does, whom he meets, where he stays, etc.
Ayan asks Vandana how did Maya come in between Arjun and Saanjh suddenly. Vandana says nothing hapened suddenly, she will confront Arjun. Ayan asks her not to, he will speak to bhai and explain in his terms. At Saanjh’s house, Prem looks at Maya and Arjun’s news
paper pic repeatedly. Suman says it is Arjun’s profession and he should not worry. Prem says this is not simple. Suman asks to do something. Prem says he will have to control Saanjh now.
Ashwin’s aide shows him Arjun’s apartment building. Vandana and Suman buy vegetables near by. Suman says she is thinking of fixing lemon chilli on Saanjh and Arjun to get rid of black spirits. Neighbors taunt them that Arjun caught a big fish Maya Mehrotra. Suman tries to reach but Vandana drags her from there. Ashwin looks at them and says aide that this is Vandana and Suman and then looks at Ayan.
Arjun tries to console Saaanjh with buddhi ke baal/candy floss. Saanjh asks if he loves Maya. He says yes her silky soft air and then jokes who does not like budhi ke baal, Maya is just his friend. Saanjh says Maya loves him and with his friendly gesture will misunderstanding that even he loves her. Arjun reminisces Maya telling that she does not mind if he does not love her, but she will love him forever. He tells Saanjh that Maya clearly told him. Saanjh says girls think like this. Arjun says if she loves him. Saanjh stands silently. Arjun says no na..each girl is different, so is Maya. Ashwin watches them and tells his aide that Saanjh is not Arjun’s friend, but is his weakness. Aide says that means he will attack on Arjun’s weakness now.
Ashwin goes to Jahnvi and tells her that Arjun will use Maya and will throw her away. Jahnvi says he can understand his intention now. Ashwin asks what happened. Jahnvi says Arjun is not cheap like him and asks him to get out. He holds his hand and pushes him till door. Ashwin says Arjun does not love Maya. Jahnvi says Arjun is better than him and asks to get out. Ashwin asks if Arjun knows about Maya’s madness, once he will know about it, he will run away. He wil inform Arjun about Maya’s truth, laughs and leaves. Maya hears their conversation and panicks that Aswhin will separate Arjun from her.
Maya prays god that she god a companion after so many years and to not get Arjun away from her. Phone rings and she nervously picks it. Arjun speaks and asks how can she hide such a big issue from her, if he had known this, he would not have trusted her, he wants to meet her right now in office’s basement godown. She stammers and asks if they can meet somewhere else. he says not anywhere else, it is time to get the truth out today. Maya panicks more reminiscing Ashwin’s words. She then reminisces childhood memories and breaks things in her room. Jahhnvi comes running and tries to console her. Maya says Ashwin told everything to Arjun and Arjun wants to meet her in godown. Jahnvi says Arjun does not know anything. Maya asks then why Arjun called her to godown, of which she is afraid of. Jahnvi tries to console, but Maya shouts to go. Jahnvi walks silently. Maya runs and hugs her and says she cannot lose Arjun and will do whatever she says. Jahnvi asks if she will. Maya says. Jahnvi asks to tell Arjun everything.
Precap: Maya reaches godown. Arjun says he knows her truth now and it is too late.

Beyhadh 19th December 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh goes to terrace to meet Arjun and is shocked to see Maya with Arjun and they both sitting holding each other’s hands. She starts crying vigorously. Arjun sees breaking star and asks Maya to make a wish. She says she has already made a wish and looks at him. He asks if she knows she is mad. She smiles and says she knows. Their conversation continues. Saanjh runs from and rushes home. Prem opens door and she emotionaly hugs him. He asks what happened. She says she missed him today. He asks if Arjun told anything. She says no. Arjun walks down with Maya chatting with her. Prem via windows watches that and gets teary eyed. Suman asks what is he looking at and even she sees Arjun and Maya getting into car nd leaving. Prem tells her that his daughter’s heart
broke today and he can do anything for his daughter’s better future.
Arjun drives car till Maya’s house discussing she got peace of life today. She says only today’s, he has to take her to shanti spot often. He thinks Dusky will not spare him if he takes Maya to shanti spot often. He tells Maya that he needs gajar ka halwa either from or aunty’s hand. She smiles. He parks car outside her apartment building and asks her to go in. She says she lost her peace years ago and got back because of him, soon she will get love also and hugs him. He hesitates. She says as a friend she can hug him. He says okay. Ashwin clicks their pics. Arjun leaves. Aswhin thinks Arjun is Maya’s courage and now he will break it.
Saanjh prays god that Arjun is only hers and cannot be anyone else’s. Maya at home says same. She then informs Jahnvi what happened today.
In the morning, Arjun searches his mobile charger and pesters Ayan. Ayan says he had to become watchman yesterday night and now servant and falls back asleep. Arjun sees Saanjh in front of her with red eyes and asks what happened, if she got conjunctivitis, why did she come here. She throws news paper in front of him and asks to read it. He asks what is in it, why she is commanding him. She shouts to read it. He reads paper and is shocked to see his and Maya’s hugging pic on front page with a line that fashion tycoon Maya Mehrotra is in love with his staff. Saanjh asks where did this pic was clicked. He says it is..She says he had taken Maya to shanti spot, how could he. Arjun shouts instead of worying that a girl is defamed, she is shouting. Saanjh says it is Maya. Arjun says so what, she has gone mad. Sanjh says yes.
Maya sees news paper and cries. Jahnvi tries to console her. Maya says Ashwin has done this as he is indicating that he wants to snatch Arjun from her.
Saanjh and Arjun’s argument continues. Arjun shouts he does not want Saanjh’s friendship now and tries to leave. Saanh asks if he is going to Maya. Arjun shouts yes, Maya is his friend and leaves. He reaches office. Peon says Maya is fuming. Arjun enters Maya’s cabin and sees her with newspaper. He says this pic. She says it is not good, let dogs bark, they should not bother. Arjun is surprised.
Precap: Ashwin asks Jahnvi what will happen if he informs Maya’s truth to Arjun. Maya hears hiding and gets worried. Arjun calls Maya and asks her to come to office’s basement godown.

Beyhadh 16th December 2016 Written Episode
From police station, Ayan drives Saanjh’s scootie with Saanjh sits as pillion. He says jail trip was adventerous, he has stories now to tell in his old age. Saanjh sits seriously weeping. Arjun travels with Maya in her car. Arjun thanks her and says he wants to return her good gesture and asks if he should cook for her, he cannot shop as she has everything. Maya says tough he has not accepted her, she has accepted him and all his relationships and will continue caring for them all. Topi changes to finding peace. She drops Arjun outside his apartment building. Maya asks where he finds his peace. He shows up. She looks at sky. He says not so up and shows terrace, his shanti spot with clear air and full of peace. She asks if he will take her to shanti spot.
Ayan reaches home with
Saanjh. Suman and Vandana scolds him and say without Saanjh, h e would not have come out of police station. Saanjh says she did not bail him, Maya bailed him instead. Vandana and Suman stand in a shock. Vandana asks where is Arjun. Saanjh says he went with Maya as 3 people cannot ride on 1 scootie.
Arjun calls Ayan and asks if Saanjh is around. Ayan says yes, if he should give phone to her. Arjun says no and asks to go away from Saanjh silently. Ayan tells Saanjh that he is going to his room for a min and will be back. He speaks to Arjun again wo tells that Maya wants to see Shanti spot. Ayan says it is only his and Saanjhs spot, Saanjh will kil him. Arjun says what he could do, Maya asked his peace spot and he said his building terrace, so she wants to see it. He asks Ayan to send Saanjh home somehow. Ayan goes back and tells Saanjh she should sleep now as she must be tired and she will get wrinkles if she does not. He forcefully sends Suman, Saanjh’s brother, and Saanjh out. Saanjh asks him when will Arjun come. He says he will come late as Maya’s car broke down.
Arjun takes Maya to shanti spot, stands on fencing wall and asks Maya to stand with him. she also climbs. He says he fells very peacfful here, Saanjh showed him this spot first and their friendship started her, when he gets very tired in his busy life, he comes here. He asks if she does not get tired , where she goes when she gets tired. She gives example of stars that they are so many on sky, but they are away from each other, even in her case, her relationship looks so close, but she is far apart. She continues her moral gyaan.
Saanjh eagerly waits for Arjun’s call. She calls Ayan and asks to inform her when Arjun returns. Her brother taunts her. She thinks Arjun would come to shanti spot and walks towards terrace. Ayan guards on stairs outside terrace and yells he had to lie and now guard among mosquitoes. He goes home to get mosquito repellent. Arjun holding Maya’s hand says he wants to be a friend. Saanjh goes to terrace is shocked to see Arjun and Maya holding each other’s hands. She starts crying.
Precap: Maya hugs Arjun and says as a friend she can. Ashwin clicks their pic. Maya tells Jahhnvi that Ashwin wants to tell that he will take Arjun away from her. Saanjh looks at Arjun and Maya’s hugging pic in news paper’s front page and asks Arjun who clicked it.

Beyhadh 15th December 2016 Written Episode
Ispector continues torturing Ayan. Arjun pleads not to torture his brother as he is innocent. Inspector continues. Saanjh reaches police station and Arjun asks her to save Ayan. Saanjh asks Ayan if he did it. Arjun says he did not and does not know anything about it. Saanjh tells inspector that she is Ayan’s lawyer. Inspector says he caught Ayan in drug peddling case and she has to get bail to get him out. Arjun says without any case, why bail. Inspector slaps Arjun and Arjun tries to revert back, but Saanjh stops him. Inspector warns him that his brother will not be out in life now and shows charge sheet. On the other side, Vandana cries and Suman consoles her that Saanjh has gone there and as a lawyer, she will get Ayan out. Vandana then calls Arjun who says Ayan is fine
now. Saanjh shows Ayan his pic with a girl and says this girl was caught with drug mafia and police found his number with her. Ayan says he found her on social media and dated her 2-3 times and does nott know anything else. Saanj says she will speak to Malkani and try to get bail and if bail does not happen today on Friday, it will not till Monday.
Maya reaches with her lawyer with bail and tells Ayan will not be in jail. Her lawyer gives bail papers to inspector. Ayan tells inspector trashed bhai. Maya sees blood on Arjun’s lip and fumes. She angrily looks at inspector. Lawyer introduces her to inspector as Maya Mehrotra. Inspector gets afraid and says if he had know that Ayan is related to her, he would not have filed case at all. She asks if he will not order tea. He orders tea. Ayan asks Arjun if Maya came here to bail him out or enjoy tea. Arjun signals to keep silent. Maay drops tea on inspector and inspector says it is okay. Maya asks him to go and change his uniform. Inspector goes change uniform. Arjun thanks Maya. Maya says still she is not yet done. She goes to inspector’s room and asks Ayan to close door. She then gives inspector a tight slap. Inspector shouts and warns that he will put her behind bars. Maya asks for what, if anyone saw her slapping him. Arjun and Ayan say no. Maya says everyone saw inspector slapping an innocent though and if she leaks this news tomorrow, he knows the consequences. Inspector stands with bent head. Maya leaves with Ayan and Arjun in slow motion.
Outside police station, Maya gets busy chatting withh inspector near her car. Arjun comes out with Ayan. Ayan says he needs to pee and goes to washroom. Saanjh comes crying, hugs Arjun and says Malkani did not help and she could not get Ayan’s bail. Arjun says listen, but she continues crying. Ayan says they will play carrom for 2 days. She says yes, turns and sees him and scolds Ayan that police will catch him soon, why did he escape. Maya comes and says she bailed Ayan and says until she is with Arjun, nothing will happen to him or his dear ones. Saanjh fumes seeing Maya. Maya asks Arjun to travel with her as she needs discuss about shooting and asks Saanj if she can take Ayan on her scootie as 3 people cannot travel on 1 scootie. Saanjh says when someone else comes in between, one has to get out. She thanks her for bailing Ayan anways.
Maya takes Ayan aside and tells she does not if he did it…He says he did not. She says situation changes with place and he has to choose right place. He says okay. Saanjh asks Ayan what ddid Maya say. He says nothing, I will dry scootie now. Arjun asks Maya what did she tell to Ayan. She says nothing and just smiles staring at him.
Precap: Arjun takes Maya to his building terrace. Saanjh tells her brother that she is going to meet Arjun on terrace. She sees Maya and Arjun together and shatters.

Beyhadh 14th December 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh confronts Arjun that Maya has sent all these gifts for him and he has started lying to her. He says he did not lie. She reminds him all the incidents. He says he lied as she does not want to hear truth. She says he did not say Maya no as he does not to get away with the luxuries she is throwing on him and trying to buy him. He says he is not salable and confronts her.
Jahnvi tells Maya that love is not salable and she cannot buy Arjun’s love. Maya says she can. Jahnvi tells that she is doing the same mistake she did long ago with Ashwin. Maya says she is not doing any mistake and knows what she is doing.
Arjun keeps all gifts in his jeep. Saanjh asks where is he going. He says to return gifts to Maya as he is not salable. She calls him duffer. He says only his
friends call him duffer and for her it is only Arjun and calls her Saanjh. He leaves. Vandana tells her son proved that he is not salable.
Arjun reaches Maya’s room and throws all gifts in her front of her and says he is not salable and he did a mistake trusting her, she gave him promotion and gifts to buy her. She says sh esent all these for the next shoot, he has to select some and return rest. He says he is not a fool, he had added all these items in an online website wishlist. She shows her phone and says even she has same choice and it is a coincidence. He has to return whatever he does not like and whatever he has used, she will deduct from his salary, if she can give incentives for good work, she can deduct for bad work. Arjun leaves.
Ayan scolds Saanjh that he did not see all the gifts and she forced Arjun to return gifts. Saanjh says it was her plan to make Arjun confront Maya and return all her gifts and prove he is not salabe, soon Arjun will reject Maya’s job. Vandana and Ayan praise her intelligence.
Maya asks Jahnvi to keep all gifts in her room as Arjun will be in her room soon. Jahnvi asks why did she lie to Arjun then. Maya says she was testing Arjun’s worth. He proved he is more worth than small gifts.
Arjun returns home and Saanjh asks if he returned gifts. He scolds Saanjh if he listens to her more, he will lose his job, Maya had sent all these gifts for a shooting. Saanjh asks whho sends gifts to employee’s house instead of big office. Arjun says photographer stays at home and not office. Saanjh leaves. After some time, Vandana opens door after hearing door bell and is shocked to see police. Inspector asks if Ayan Sharma stays here. She says yes. Arjun comes and says they are mistaken. Inspector says they are not and says Ayan sells drugs with drug mafia. Ayan says he does not. Inspector drags Ayan. Vandana panics. Arjun asks her to stay at home as he is with his brother. Saanjh in her room tells her brother that Arjun behaved foolishly. Arjun calls. Saanjh says he must have called to apologize. Arjun tells her that police took away Ayan in drug peddling case.
Maya wears Arjun’s worn clothes and smiles looking herself in mirror. She calls Arjun. Arjun says he is busy and Maya hears Arjun pleading inspector not to beat his brother. Arjun pleads inspector to free his brother. Inspector argues and asks to get bail for his brother. Arjun says without crime why he should bring bail.
Precap: Inspector slaps Arjun. Saanjh shouts in a worry.. Maya looks Arjun’s bleeding lip and warns inspector that he will pay for it.

Beyhadh 13th December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun messages Saanjh too meet her out for lunch. Saanjh happily packs her bag and tries to leave office when her boss stops her and asks if she is going to find her job. She says for lunch. Boss continues yelling at her. On the other side, Maya plans to hold Arjun. She arranges lunch for her staff and tells Arjun he should join his colleagues as Saanjh is his best friend and should understand his problem. Saanjh excitedly walks from her office thinking of having lunch with Arjun after a long time. Arjun calls her and she says she will be down soon. He says he is having important meeting at office, if they can have lunch later. Peon enters and loudly tells Arjun that he is lucky that Maya has arranged lunch party for him. Arjun shuts him and disconnects call. Saanjh feels shattered.
goes and sits for lunch with his colleagues. He jokes with them, likes colleagues’s new shoes and says he wants to be so rich that he wants to buy 50 shoes for each day and once shirt is worn, he does not want to wear it again. Maya watches him from a distance and goes back to her cabin. Arjun goes to her cabin and asks if she wants to have food alone. She says she cannot have outside food. He says her cook must be cooking tasty food and she does not want to miss it. Peon serves food. She asks him to join as it is his favorite chole bhature. He joins and asks what if her cook has mixed something in food. She stops him and tries food herself. He tries next and says food is very tasty, he wants to kiss her cook’s hand. She extends hand and says she cooked it, so he can kiss. He gets hesitant. She says she gave him time to accept her love, now he has to decide
Saanjh goes back to her desks and sadly works. Boss brings food and says anything cannot be done with empty stomach and says she is waiting here and someone is enjoy lunch with others, now a days kids are so stupid to fall in love. Saanjh sits sadly. Boss says he always advices youngsters not to fall in stupid love and says he gives her salary for working and not falling in love. He signals her to have food and leaves.
Arjun reminisces Maya proposing him and he telling her that he needs time to think. He tells Maya that he is full now and will go back. She asks what happened. He asks why did not she neat. She says her stomach is full looking at him. Arjun reminisces Saanjh’s words.. He silently leaves her cabin.
Vandana calls Saanjh and asks to come home immediately. Saanjh reaches home and is shocked to see gifts all around house. She asks what is all this. Vandana says she does not know. Saanjh opens gifts and realizes Maya has sent them for Arjun. Arjun reaches home and seeing his online shopping wishlist items asks Ayan if he peeped into his online account and brought all these. Ayan says he really does not know anything. Saanjh says someone who is so possessive about him sent these gifts. Arjun asks who. She says Maya. He realizes Saanjh’s warning repeatedly.
Precap: Arjun angrily returns gifts to Maya that she thought she can buy him with her precious gifts, she told she promoted him due to his talent, but he wrongly trusted her.

Beyhadh 12th December 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh fumes reminiscing Arjun promising to take her out for ice cream, but instead going to meet Maya with ice cream. Suman asks what happened. Saanjh says Arjun again went to meet Maya with ice cream. Suman says she cannot hold Arjun forcefully and has to wait until he realizes her love and gets back to her. Saanjh says Arjun runs behind moon seeing its brightness, but does not know moon is glowing due to some other phenomenon. She will leave Arjun’s hand at this stage.
Maya takes Arjun to her dining table and lights candles. Arjun is surprised to see so many ice cream flavors already present. He says already there is a buffet of ice creams and he unnecessarily brought more. She asks which flavor he likes and serves him. She eats his brought ice cream. He says it has
melted. She says she is eating it because he brought it. He says he has not tried other flavors. She mixes different flavors and asks to try now. He tries and says not bad. She says he should not jump to a decision without testing. He looks at chole bhature and says he likes food also a lot, especially chole bhature. She says dig in then. He asks if she will deduct money from his salary. She says actually yes and laughs. They both enjoy food. Jahnvi watches them from her room.
Saanjh calls Ayan and asks to inform her once Arjun returns and says Maya is very dangerous and unpredictable. Her brother says she should not have loved Arjun at all, if she did not see how much Suman lectured. Saanjh says shut up. He mimics how she was requesting Ayan.
Arjun leaves Maya’s house. Maya tastes his left ice cream. Jahnvi comes and asks her if someone had come, Arjun…Maya smiles. Jahnvi says she does not like ice cream. Maya says she is changing her habits according to Arjun’s habits.
In the morning, Saanjh waits for Arjun near his jeep. Arjun comes getting ready for office and says he was awake whole night. She asks why. He thinks if he informs he was with Maya, she will fume. He lies that he ate so much ice cream, with high sugar he could not sleep. She angrily looks at him. He jokes and says he has to leave for office before Maya fires him and promises to take her out for lunch. Saanjh calms down.
Arjun reaches office and enters Maya’s cabin with referral magazines. He sees her sneezing, says he brought magazines for referral and they can discuss after lunch as he is going for lunch with Saanjh. She asks him to sit with him till lunch and starts discussing. He explains and she just stares his face. Lunch time passes. She says he forgot to go for a lunch with Saanjh. He leaves hurriedly. She asks assistant to send Arjun’s 2 team interns.
Precap: Saanjh sees lots of gifts in Arjun’s house and asks Vandana what is all this. Vandna says Arjun’s gifts. Arjun comes and asks what is this. Saanjh asks if he really does not know what s all this. He says no. She says one who can buy happiness for him has sent all these gifts. He says Maya.

Beyhadh 9th December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun fights with Saanjh and says she is jealous of his success and does not want him to go up in life. Saanjh angrily walks from there. Maya watches CCTV footage and smirks. Vandana and Suman consult a pandit who checks Saanjh’s kundali and then Arjun’s kundali and says Arjun has success, money, fame in life but his love life will be very difficulty and Saanjh’s kundali does not match with him. They both get tensed and hope Panditji’s words don’t come true. Saanjh reaches home fuming. They both ask if she fought with duffer again. Saanjh says she will see how Arjun will come out of his problems now and walks into her room.
Maya sees Arjun walking out of his cabin. She stops him and asks where is he going. He says for tea. He goes to a roadside
tea shop. She follows him and asks what is in this shop that he did not find in her company’s cafeteria. He says this place is special and asks her to try tea her. She sees dirty bench but sits on it on his insistence. He orders 2 tea and tells tea has half water, half milk, tea powder and most important tea maker’s sweat. Maya sees tea maker wiping his sweat and sweat falling into utensil and feels yuck. She takes tea later and says it is not that bad. Arjun teaches her how to enjoy biscuit. She enjoys it looking at Arjun’s expressions till 9 p.m., ordering cups of tea repeatedly. Vendor says tea is finished and even biscuits. Arjun gives his tea and wiggles his hair. Maya gives a full heart smile for the first time. Arjun says it is already 9 p.m. and they should go. They both leave for home.
Ashwin angrily throws dart on Maya’s photo. His live-in partner Shipra asks why is he so disturbed after coming from his wife’s house . Ashwin says he felt something different today in Jahnvi’s fear. Maya left her alone even though Jahnvi is the only family to her. Someone is trying to fill color in Maya baby’s colorless life and he needs to find out who is it.
Arjun goes to terrace and sees Saanjh there with teary eyes. He starts conversation and consoles her in his unique way. She laughs. He says let us go and have ice cream. Maya calls him and he asks why did she call at this time. She says she is not getting sleep as her sleeping pills ran out. He asks her to have her favorite ice cream, she will get nice sleep. She says ice cream is not at home as mom is diabetic. He says he will bring her favorite ice cream there. She says no. He says he is her employee and it is his duty to fulfill her demands. She says okay. He says he will be there in 15 min with her favorite ice cream. Saanjh hears his conversation and gets teary eyed again.
Arjun reaches Maya’s house and gives favorite ice cream box and says she can have only one and he will have 2. She asks him to come in. He says at this time in a girl’s house. She asks if he is afraid. He says no and gets in. Door locks and she says he cannot go out without her permission now.
Precap: Arjun gives magazines to Maya for referral and says they will discuss points in the afternoon after lunch. She asks why after lunch. He says he is going for lunch with dusky. She fumes in jealousy. She later asks secretary to send Arjun to her cabin..

Beyhadh 8th December 2016 Written Episode
Suman sees Saanjh tensed and if she does not trust herself. She says she does not trust MAya’s wickedness and Arjun’s innocence. Maya at her home picks thorns from rose and makes Saanjh’s name from it and grins like an usual psychopath.
Saanjh does not get sleep thinking about Arjun’s words that Maya shocked him by proposing her and he did not and he will handle the situation, to trust him. Vandana comes. Saanjh gets up and asks how come she came at this time. Vandana tells her Arjun’s childhood incident when she got married to Arjun’s father when Arjun was 6 year old, Arjun left home for 1 month and stayed in Saanjh’s house. Saanjh says he convinced Arjun to get back home and kicked him out. Vandana says she has to do same even now and get him
out of Maya jaal/trap. Saanjh says Arjun does not need her help and he promised he will handle situation himself.
In the morning, Vandana prepares breakfast for Ayan and Arjun. Arjun comes out of his room getting ready for office. Vandana angrily tells Ayan to tell his brother that she does not want anyone to hurt Saanjh. Arjun says nobody can come between him and Saanjh and Saanjh is only hers.
Arjun reaches office and after a bit of witty chat with peon sees his desk missing. He asks eveveryone. Peon says Maya madam asked to remove his desk. Arjun starts cribbing. Maya takes him to a big cabin with full of flower bouquet and asks him if he liked his new cabin, Fashion and the City’s senior photgapher. Everyone clap for him. Arjun is surprised. Maya shows him rose and says she removed all thorns from it except one. Arjun sees Sanjh standing, ignores Maya, goes and hugs Saanjh excitedly. Maya fumes in jealousy. Arjun takes Saanjh and says this is his new cabin. Maya dismisses all staff members and walks out with them. Saanjh tells Arjun that Maya loves him, so she is doing all these favors. Maya enters and says wrong, she promoted Arjun due to his talent and nothing else.
Once Maya leaves, Arjun shows his new printer, desk, etc., to Saanjh and asks her to click his pics. She asks if he has gone mad, Maya is building a web of luxuries around him to trap him completely. He shouts Maya is ver professional and does not mingle personal and professional life. Argument starts. Arjun shouts that Saanjh is jealous of his progress.
Precap: Maya asks Arjun what is special in roadside tea. He asks to sit. She sees dirty chair and hesitantly sits with Arjun and enjoys tea. Ashwin thinks someone is trying to fill colors in Maya’s colorless life..

Beyhadh 7th December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun tells Saanjh that Maya gave him a shock by proposing her on hot air balloon. Saanjh asks if he accepted it. He says no, Maya is a high class girl and he is middle class boy, he is just Saanjh’s duffer. Saanjh runs and hugs him and asks if he rejected Maya’s proposal. He says no. She is shocked and part ways and asks why did not he. He says he loves his high paying job and does not want to lose it. She says Maya gave him such a high salary and costly gifts as she loves him, once he rejects her, she will kick him out of her job. He says Maya keeps her personal and professional life separate and she will not mess it. She asks if he has gone mad. He says yes, he will not leave his job and he does not need her friendship. She says fine and walks away. Maya watches them
from a distance enjoying ice cream.
Ashwin decorates house and tells Suman that he is happy that Saanjh would be proposing her duffer today and would engrasp in duffer’s love. Suman hopes their thinking comes true.
Ashwin tries to emotionally lure Jahnvi. Jahnvi asks him to go out, picks vase and throws on him and runs away. Vase bruses off Aswhin’s hand and falls down. Ashwin runs behind her. She runs and locks herself in a room, but her sari pallu gets stuck in a door. Ashwin pulls sari and shouts she cannot escape from her, Maya is a psychopath and he will not let her ruin anyone’s life, he will stop her. He laughs.
Arjun gets his jeep to go back home. Saanjh sits in backseat. Arjun says he needs someone in front. Ayan and Saanjh’s brother sit outside. Arjun says they are revolting. They both say they will not get in until they stop fighting and befriend again. Arjun asks Saanjh to stop fighting, he will tackle Maya in his own way. Saanjh asks really and sits in front seat. They leave towards home.
Saanjh reaches home and informs Suman about Maya proposing Arjun hot air balloon. Suman says she should have blow off balloon, at least Arjun is sensible and rejected Maya’s proposal. Saanjh says he did not yet, he did not say yes or no. Suman gets worried.
Maya reaches home. Jahnvi worriedly opens door. Maya pulls her hand and asks if she like dher surprise. Jahnvi nods yes. Maya gives her chikki and other gifts. Jahnvi asks if she is fine. Maya says she is very happy and proposed Arjun. Jahnvi asks if he accepted her proposal. Maya says not yet, but once an illusion/Saanjh over him vanishes, he will accept her love.
Ayan informs Vandana about Maya proposing Arjun on hot air balloon. Vandana gets tensed. He says bhai did not yet agree though. Vandana says Arjun is very immature and will mess up, she is very much worried about him.
Arjun sitting on terrace murmurs to himself if he says yes to Maya, he will lose Saanjh’s friendship and if he says no, he will lose a lucrative job, he will lose in both situations, he does not know what to do.
Precap: Maya asks Arjun if he liked his new cabin and calls him Fashion and the City’s senior photographer. Saanjh tells Arjun that Maya promoted him as she loves him. Maya enters and says wrong…

Beyhadh 6th December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun messages Maya if she reached Lonavla and where is her shooting. She replies tiger point. He thinks let us go then. Maya thinks she will propose Arjun today and makes him hers forever. Arjun gets ready and tries to leave hotel, but Saanjh stops him and says she needs to talk to him important and wants to take him somewhere. He says she can think, he will come in a moment. Vase falls and breaks. She says even vase broke as inauspiciousness, he should noot go. He says he is planning a surprise for her and needs to go. She gets excited and asks what surprise. He says she has to wait and gets into his jeep. She asks if he will come soon. He says he has slipped form her hands now and will not get back to her. She feels weird. Something breaks again and she thinks what is it.
reaches tiger point in his jeep and finds whole place empty. He thinks to save his job, what else he has to do. He turns and sees a serious looking man and says he cannot be Maya as he is not much frightening like Maya. He asks where is shooting. Man says on that mountainn and leaves. Arjun calls Maya, but she does not pick call. Saanjh in hotel room gets excited reminiscing Vandana and Suman’s comments that she should look best in front of Arjun and propose her. She picks Arjun’s binocular gift fom her suiticase and thinks how to gift wrap it, searches something to wrap gift. Someone is seen holding a knife and looking at her. Arjun reaches cliff and sees nobody there. He sees a hot air balloon nearby. He walks near balloon and sees Fashion and the City label on it, thinks shooting was going here and already finished. He hears a puppy sound inside it and gets into it to rescue it, murmuring that they both are Maya’s victims.
Saanch continues to search a paper to gift wrap and someone walks towareds her holding knife. Saanjh turns and shouts in fear seeing knife. Somone blindfolds Arjun, hand cuffs him and cuts balloon rope. It starts flying. Arjun asks what joke is this, leave my hand. It is Maya who is doing this. She remoes Arjun’s blind fold and says she does not hold hand to leave. Arjun is surprised to see her and flying in air. He pleads to get him down. Maya says he has to get habituated to heights as his place is in heights.
Saanjh realizes it is Ayan and her brother who walked withh knife. They both taunt her. Ayan asks if binocular is for him. Saanjh says it is for Arjun and not him.
Jahnvi gets tensed seeing Ashwin and reminisces Maya’s warning not to meet him. She asks what is he doing here. He asks if Maya ransacked her for someone else, he pity on her. Jahnvi falls into his trap again.
Maya gets closer to Arjun and Arjun asks what is she doing. She holds diamond ring and says I love you Arjun. He is suprised and says she is his boss and their relationship is professional. She says she wants him to be hers forever. He says again he is his employee and she is his boss, if she knows what he means. She asks if he is ignoring her. He says no..she is very good, but he did not see her as a girlfriend. Maya says love changes everything. He asks what if he does not want to. She walks behind and switches off balloon’s air. Balloon starts falling down Arjun asks if she is crazy, he was just joking. She switches on balloon. Arjun relaxes and says he was joking. She says even she was joking. Arjun realizes her posssessive for him. She says if her love can take him to the heights, it can burn him also. Balloon starts shaking and Maya drops diamond ring. They both hug while trying to balance each other. Arjun says it was not precious than her life. She says he is her life now. He says he needs time to think. She rolls his hands on her cheek and asks if he is not ignoring her. He says he is not and needs some time to come to the terms. She says from today all her time is his.
Ayan watches Arjjun and Maya’s romance via binocular and gets sad. Saanjh asks what happened, watches it via binocular and shatters. Binocular falls down and breaks.
Precap: Saanjh asks Arjun how was her photo shoot on hot air balloon. Arjun says Maya shot him, she loves him and proposed him.

Beyhadh 5th December 2016 Written Episode
Aryan angrily storms into Maya’s cabin and says he worked on the project for 2 months, how can she hire new employees and dismiss him. Maya says his job is safe and he should go and enjoy his holiday with his family. Arjun walks out fuming at new joinees. Saanjh calls him and asks if she should book a hotel in some place. He says Lonavla. She says he did not want to go there. He says now he wants to and asks to book hotel there. Maya hears his conversation and smirks, thinking of following them. Arjun messages her to enjoy her shoot.
Saanjh gets ready for Lonavla trip. Suman forcefully applies her lipstick and makeup and says she wants her daughter to look beautiful and not bro-type to Arjun. Prem says whoever cannot see his daughter’s beauty is blind. Vandana enters
and says yes, their Saanjh is very beautiful.
Arjun waits for Saanjh on his jeep. He and Ayan horn. Saanjh’s brother joins them. Saanjh comes later and first goes to pray god. Maya happily prays god in her home and thinks she will get Arjun today. She calls her driver and orders to leave her black car, she will drive today. Jahnvi says Lonavla’s route is very dangerous with lots of curves, she should take driver. Maya says she likes curves in life now and leaves. Ashwin with his live-in partner Shipra see Maya getting into car and leaving. Shipra asks Ashwin that he did not extra money from his bank/Jahnvi and should get some now. Ashwin says he will loot whole bank today.
Arjun speeds his jeep. Ayan and Saanjh’s brother ask him to slow down. Arjun says he is enjoying speed in his life. Maya follows them in her car. Someone calls her and asks whom to shoot. She says she will tell later. She overtakes Arjun’s car spontaneously and speeds up. Arjun rams his car to a tree. Saanjh panics and sits for a long time, reminiscing how car overtook them. Arjun yells at car driver and gets Saanjh back in jeep and start driving again.
Jahnvi hears door bell, checks via hole and sees a bouquet. She opens door, picks bouquet and sorry card in it and gets back to her apartment. She hears Ashwin’s voice and gets tensed seeing him standing behind her.
Arjun asks Saanjh not to think much about that accident and says they already reached Lonavla and let us enjoy. Arjun messages Maya where is her shoot. She messages Lonavla. He asks where. She replies Tiger point.
Precap: Saanh waits for Arjun. She gets afraid seeing someone walking with a knife towards her. On hot air balloon, Maya shows diamond ring to Arjun and says I love you Arjun.

Beyhadh 2nd December 2016 Written Episode
Vandana opens door hearing door bell and is shocked to see Maya in front of her. Ayan is also shocked. Maya asks if she can come in. Vandana nods yes. Maya raises left foot, but then backs off and steps right foot. Vandana notices it. Ayan is a shock falls on TV remote and TV starts with a loud sound. Arjun comes out rubbing his eyes and says he will break house if they make sound. He is surprised to see Maya in front of her and asks what is she doing here. She says Rhea told he is ill, so she came to see him. Arjun acts as sneezing. Ayan says fever also…Arjun says he has cold and fever, but is a bit fine now. Maya gives him costly mobile gift for his yesterday’s help. Ayan says he cannot take such a costly gift. Ayan asks to take it and give it to him. Maya insists
and Arjun accepts. Ayan asks if she wants to have breakfast with them.. Arjun says Maya does not like middle class breakfast. Maya says she does not mind and asks Vandana if she can. Vandana says yes. Arjun and Ayan go to freshen up.
Vandana serves breakfast. Saanjh brings vada pav for Arjun. Vandana greets her in. Arjun gets very excited seeing vada pav. Vandana tells Saanjh brings Arjun’s favorite vada pav once in a week at least, she knows what Arjun needs. Maya says best friends knows what their friends need. Vandana says Saanjh is not friend, she is part of their lives, she knows Arjun more than himself and without her Arjun is incomplete. Maya says people are not incomplete, situations are. She picks vada pav and asks Arjun if it is his favorite. Saanjh says Arjun likes very spicy vada pav and she may not handle it. Maya says her and Arjun’s taste is same then and munches chillies. Everyone look in a shock. Maya tells Arjun he can spend 2 days with his family, after that is he is hers. Vandana and Saanjh look in a shock. Maya says she means he will be busy with her with new assignment and workload.
Maya goes to her car and cannot tolerate chillies hotness. Driver offers water. She says no need, she should be habituated soon. Vandana and Saanjh loudly discuss that something is wrong with Maya, who gives so costly gifts. Arjun says people give gifts according to their status, like Saanjh’s status is vada pav, Maya’s status is 50,000 rs mobile. Saanjh says Maya loves him. He says Maya must have gone for shopping and like shopkeepers give toffee in exchange of change, Maya would have got mobile. He continues joking. Ayan suggests they all 3 should go for a picnic. Vandana signals Saanjh it is a good idea, new place new people. Saanjh says if Ayan is coming along, she will bring her brother. Their nok jhok starts.
Maya reaches office and asks Rhea to get latest assignment pics. Rhea says it is with Arjun and he did not come. Maya asks to call Arjun and get them. Rhea calls Arjun and asks where the pics are. He says in his desktop. She asks to give password as Maya is starting new campaign. Arjun says he is coming right now, tells Saanjh that he is going. Saanjh asks where is he going. He says to fill diesel, fix tyres, etc. Saanjh looks at Vandana.
Arjun reaches office sees new photographer interns. Rhea says Maya is taking their interviews. He says how can she when he is still hired and angrily storms into Maya’s cabin and asks shat is her problem, what game she is playing.
Precap: While heading for picnic, Arjun speeds jeep and Saanjh asks to slow down. Maya follows them, overtakes, and smirks.

Beyhadh 1st December 2016 Written Episode
Arjun stays back with Maya on her insistence. She asks to start pestering her as he said. He says no and starts chatting. He says he gives a best massage, but he has to touch her for that. She agrees. He massages her neck and shoulder and says Dusky/Saanjh loves it. Maya gets jealous and asks to stop. He sits and while chatting falls asleep on sofa itself. Maya starts staring his face. Saanjh gets worried that Arjun did not call her yet and calls Arjun’s number. Maya sees Saanjh number on Arjun’s phone and angrily stamps phone with her sandal and it breaks down. Saanjh gets worried more worried. Arjun wakes up and sees Maya staring at her. Maya shies and changes her direction. He sees his mobile broken and panics. In the morning, doc checks Jahnvi and tells Maya that
her mother is stable now and she can finish discharge formalities. Arjun asks doc that he fixes patients, if he can fix his mobile.
Saanjh wakes up in the morning and comes out calling Suman. She sees lots of food on dining table. She picks pastry. Prem brings vada pav and says it is hot. Saanjh walks back. Prem asks if she is so angry with her papa. She says if he prepared all this for her. He says obviously. She asks if he is making her scapegoat. He says if she agrees without any drama. Suman comes and says Prem fought with her, but prepared breakfast for his daughter. Saanjh asks not to get jealous. Prem asks Saanjh to wake up her kumbukaran brother. Saanjh remembers Arjun and says his phone is off, so she has to go and wake him up, asks to pack vada pav as she needs to feed Arjun.
Maya takes Jahnvi home. Jahnvi asks for water. Maya dros water glass and picks glass strands. Jahnvi says she will get hurt. Maya says she is already hurt and pierces glass strand in her hand, shows her many injuries. Jahnvi says enough, don’t remember the past. Maya asks then why she is meeting her past, she is just her mother now and not anyone’s wife or daughter, piercing glass strand in Jahnvi’s hand. Jahnvi nods yes. Maya leaves. Jahnvi removes glass strand from her hand.
Maya goes to office and secretary informs her that Arjun took a leave today. At Arjun’s home, Vandana scolds Ayan for brushing teeth in hall and not in bathroom and says already she is tensed regarding a problem in his brother’s life. Door bell rings, Vandana opens door and is shocked to see Maya in front of her.
Precap: Saanjh serves vada pav to Arjun. Vandana says Saanjh brings Arjun’s favorite vada pav at least once in a week. Saanjh says Arjun likes chilli also. Maya eats whole chillies and Maya sees in a shock. Maya says Arjun he can stay with family for 2 days, after that he is hers.

Beyhadh 30th November 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh with Ayan reaches hospital and is shocked to see Arjun and Maya hugging each other. Maya smirks feeling Arjun. Saanjh sees even that. Doc comes and informs that Jahnvi’s condition is stable now, but family should take care of her and restrict her sugar intake as her sugar levels peaked. On the other side, Suman scolds Prem for misbehaving with Vandana. Vandana says she did not mind. Prem apologizes. Vandana says not to apologize and make her stranger. She tells that when a person climbs mountain, he/she climbs with a will power and a rope is also tied so that if a person falls, rope with hold him/her, same with Saanjh, Suman will help her climb mountain of relationships and if Saanjh falls, Prem as a rope will hold her. They all 3 cannot do anything here and only Saanjh as to.
tells Maya that he will go now as her mother is stable now. Saanjh says hurriedly to take care of her mother and rushes with Arjun and Ayan. Maya fumes in jealousy. She goes to Jahnvi’s room and cries that she could not stop Arjun from going with Saanjh, she does not have control on him yet.
Arjun gets emotional and cries that he could not help his father and save him, he cannot see Maya going through same phase. He starts praising Maya next. Tears roll down Saanjh’s face. Arjun says Maya does not have a father and has only mother. Saanjh says she has a father and she heard Malkani telling her father name is Ashwin Mehrotra. Arjun is surprised and says Maya did not discuss about her father and not even a single photo of her father is present in her flat.
Maya continues expressing her feeling out in front of unconscious Jhanvi. She hears Ashwin’s footsteps and panics. Ashwin enters and she tries to close door, but he pushes her and enters. She panics. He tells Jahnvi does not have strong will power and ate chocolate, why did not she stop her mother. Maya realizes Ashwin is behind Maya’s condition. Ashwin reminds her how he tortured her in childhood and frightens that he will expose her black side to everyone. Maya shivers in fear. Arjun enters. Ashwin hides behind door. Maya points at door. Arjun comes near her. Ashwin silently slips off. Arjun asks what happened. Maya tightly hugs him and asks to stay here with her. He asks again what happened. She says she is afraid, hugs him again, and smirks He asks whom she is afraid of. She thinks her past. He jokes ghosts, some are handsome, some not. She says already dead people cannot harm anyone. He says great, she should sleep now tension-free. She says she does not get sleep so early. He says he will pester her so much, that she will fall asleep, if not they will do jagrata. She smiles. He says he will inform Saanjh and Ayan that he is staying here tonight and will be back. He calls Saanjh and tells he is staying back, they can go. Saanjh says if knows he cannot tolerate hospital environment. Arjun says Maya needs him here, so they can go. Saanjh tells Ayan that Arjun forgot his fear seeing Maya’a fever. Ayan says forget it, let us go home. Arjun returns and asks Maya if she is still standing, is she ready to be pestered. She smiles.
Precap: Arjun falls asleep. Maya smiles looking at his face. Arjun gets Saanjh’s call. Maya sees that and fumes in jealousy.

Beyhadh 29th November 2016 Written Episode
Arjun during dinner party with his and Saanjh’s family takes selfies and does his usual witty talks. They sit for dinner. He sees Maya’s key with him. On the other side, Maya panics seeing her mom unconscious on floor. She calls Arjun and Arjun rushes out. Whole family waits for him to return for 30 minutes. Prem asks to dinner now. Suman says let us wait till Arjun returns. Prem says he will not come and tells Saanjh that she should forget Arjun as he has moved out of her life to someone else’s life. Suman shouts at Saanjh to run away from here and don’t be afraid of anyone, Prem. Vandana asks them to stop figting. Ayan calls Arjun, but he does not pick call. Saanjh asks him what is he doing instead of calling Arjun. Ayan says bhai is not picking call.
rushes to Maya’s house and sees Jahnvi unconscious on floor. Maya pleads to save her mother. Arjun picks Jahnvi and rushes towards car. Maya shouts not to take her mother away from her. Arjun says her mom needs doctor first. Maya continues panicking. Arjun shakes her and asks her to go and sits in car and opens back door. She sits in car and cries mom I came. They reach hospital and doc takes Jahnvi to ICU. Arjun consoles Maya that nothing will happen to her mom. Doc tells Arjun that Jahnvi’s condition is still unstable. Maya prays god and pleads not to punish mom for her mistakes.
Ayan says family that bhai is not even replying to messages. Saanjh also eaggerly tries. Vandana asks her to relax and take rest now. Saanjh tells Ayan let us go to Maya’s house and see what Arjun saw in Maya that she lacks. Arjun sees Saanjh’s missed calls and calls her. San Saanjh confronts if he does not care about them and ran to Maya, everyone is waiting for him with dinner. He shouts Maya’s mom is in hospital and he really does not care about her, she can go to hell. Saanjh tries to speak, but he disconnects call. Prem says Arjun did not do right with Saanjh. Saanjh says Ayan let us go to hospital, Arjun may need them.
Maya continues crying. Arjun consoles her. She says he is a good man and god will listen to him, he should pray for her mom’s recovery. He hugs and consoles her. Saanjh with Arjun reaches there and is shocked to see them hugging. Maya smirks with closed eyes, feeling Arjun’s touch.
Precap: Arjun tells Saanjh that Maya does not have father. Saanjh says she has, his name is Ashwin Mehrotra. Ashwin is seen forcefully trying to enter Maya’s flat and Maya trying to close door.

Beyhadh 28th November 2016 Written Episode
Aryan shows his clicked photos to Saanjh. Maya angrily looks at Saanjh sitting in her cabin. Saanjh gets afraid seeing her anger and tells Arjun that she has work and needs to go. They both walk out of cabin. Maya comes out and strikes a conversation. She says she prays their friendship won’t break. Arjun says it will never and whoever tries he will kill them. Saanjh gets afraid looking at Maya’s facial expression. Maya says she hopes nobody breaks their friendship. Arjun says thank you and walks with Saanjh to parking lot. Maya also comes down and fumes seeing their nok jhok.
Ashwin enjoys sweets smirking. His live-in partner Shipra says he looks so happy. He says weird concept that there are 2 faces of coin, if one loses, other wins, he is winning now, Jahnvi
and her daughter were so sweet to him the other day, reminisces Maya confronting her. He says Jahnvi is a borderline diabetic and he tried to stop her from eating sweets, but she did not listen, reminisces force feeding her whole box of sweets.
Suman while cooking in kitchen cuts tomato angrily. Vandan asks why she is so cruel on tomatoes. Suman says she is cutting Maya’s head for coming in between Arjun and Saanjh. Ayan enters and catches tomato and asks what is this. Vandana says Maya’s head. Their drama continues. Ayan says when Saanjh herself did not propose Arjun, what will Maya do, she got a chance more, suggests them to stop today’s proposal meeting. Vandana warns him to shut up and not ruin their hard effort.
Arjun drives car continues his nok jhok with Saanjh. Maya follows them and fumes in jealousy. She applies hand brake of her car and car hits tree. Arjun runs for her help. Driver apologizes Maya thinking it is his mistake. Arjun says he will drop Maya home. Maya asks if he is sure. He says yes and walks with Arjun. Saanjh is about to sit in front seat, but Maya runs and tries to sit and asks Saanjh if she wants to sit. Arjun says Saanjh sits daily, it is guest’s turn today and asks Maya to sit next to him. After some time, Maya see her veil in jeep and asks how did he get it. He says it fell on him and he was about to die, when Saanjh pulled it and wanted to throw, but he kept it as cleaning cloth. Maya reminisces dropping it. Arjun continues praising Saanjh that she is his lucky charm and protects him always. Maya says let us talk about magazine’s cover page and continues. Saanjh sits in backseat silently. Arjun stops near Maya’s house. Maya says time flew so fast and thanks Arjun.
Arjun and Saanjh reach home. Families wait for them with food. They start enjoying food. Vandana sees Saanjh tensed in a thought. Suman says Arjun that he should get habituated to home food as he will get only this after marriage. He says he okay, he will start eating poison then.
Ashwin’s live-in partner watches TV serial where villain tries to kill heroine. Ashwin comes and switches TV off and asks if she does not want to see real heroine’s scream. She says Maya is not afraid of him now. He says watch how bird flutters its feathers with full power before dying.
Maya reaches home and sees door locked and Jahnvi unconscious on floor. She breaks door glass via her sandals and enters house, rushes to Jahnvi and tries to wake her up.
Precap: Saanjh asks Ayan to call Arjun and ask where he is. Ayan says he is not picking call. They both reach Maya’s house and see Arjun and Maya hugging each other.

Beyhadh 25th November 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh rushes to Arjun’s room. Ayan and Vandana see that and discuss why she came at midnight. Ayan jokes bhai’s dignity is at risk. Saanjh wakes up Arjun and he in his usual witty style jokes and falls asleep. Saanjh tells him about Maya’s weird psychic behavior and says Maya loves him. He wakes up and says she has mistaken Maya, it is her style and jokes. Saanjh gives him Maya’s gifted watch. Arjun asks from where did she steal so much money and brought costly watch. Saanjh says Maya gave it for him and her behavior is very weird. Arjun says Maya has reached success in such a young age. Everyone gives gift according to their status, Saanjh gives chindi gift as per her status and Saanjh costly gift as per her status. Saanjh says something her boss did not give
salary yet, but Maya give such a costly gift, she really loves him. Arjun ignores her words and continues praising Maya. Saanjh walks out with teary eyes. Vandana hears all their conversation and realizes something is wrong. Maya is seen looking at Arjun’s painting and thinks soon she will propose Arjun.
In the morning, Saanjh rushes to Arjun’s room and asks Vandana if Arjun woke up or not and sees his room empty. Vandana says he left home early. Saanjh says he woke up without her call and did not even inform her like everday. Vandana says he must have gone to meet Maya who troubled her yesterday and gave precious watch to Arjun, asks why she is trying to hide her expressions. Saanjh stands with sad face.
Maya at home prays god if she is doing right. Aryan enters and says wrong….He shows watch and says always he used to come late as it was not his time, now as per her note, his time has started and he will be ahead of time. They both leave for office. Arjun’s imli toffee falls down. Maya picks and eats it. Arjun enters and says she may be boss of a big company, but she is a kid by heart, he will not tell her imli secret to anyone.
Saanjh descirbes Vandana about Maya’s weird behavior. Vandana says she felt same behavior during party and tells Saanjh that this world is not as simple as she is. She says she is sure that only Saanjh is perfect for Arjun and she will talk about their marriage to Arjun tonight. Saanjh smiles.
Arjun is in office. Suman calls him and invites for dinner. Arjun says if she remembers what happend last time after her dinner party, he does not want upset stomach. Suman jokes he is a big photographer and why will he attend her dinner party He says not to be dramatic, he will attend and she should keep medicine ready. She says he will keep a bucket full of medicines. Maya comes and asks him to check magazines and select color palette. He says he has…She says he has to go early, he can. Arjun thinks his one dose changed her behavior, he should give a dose regularly to keep her in tab. Suman tells Vandana their plan is successful and Arjun is coming for dinner. Prem says they are planning Arjun and saanjh’s marriage without Arjun’s permission, it may backfire. Vandana says nothing will happen and they will fix Arjun and Saanjh marriage today. Suman says if this happen, she will feed him sweets. They both laugh.
Saanjh enters Arjun’s cabin and goes to his desk. Arjun forces her to sit and shows his clicked photos. Maya watches that angrily from her cabin. Saanjh notices he facial expression.
Precap: Ashwin tells his live-in partner that when a bird is about to die, it flutters its feathers with full power, Maya is also doing same, she does not know her life is in his hands. Maya breaks window glass with her sandal and enters house and sees Jahnvi unconscious on floor.

Beyhadh 24th November 2016 Written Episode
Maya serves soup to Saanjh and says she hopes she will like her prepared food. Saanjh excitedly asks if she loves cooking. Maya picks knife and says she likes chopping, grinding,etc., cooking is just a byproduct. Saanjh gets worried seeing knife. Maya asks her to enjoy her soup and goes to kitchen. Arjun waits outside Maya’s apartment building for Saanjh on his jeep. Watchman asks him to move his jeep from there. Arjun says he is thinking what Maya and Saanjh must be doing, Maya is hot fire and Saanjh water, will it look when Maya apologizes Saanjh. Watchman says feels good. Arjun says he should think how to salute dusky/Saanjh when she comes down.
Saanjh sips soup afraidly looking at Maya. Maya says she does not like cold food and gives roti. Saanjh
asks if she will not eat. Maya says after she eats and says eat, it is very tasty. Saanjh thinks why she is forcing her to eat first, if she has mixed something…prays god to save her.
Jahnv enjoys party with her her friends. Friends praises her designer sari and says she is Maya’s mother, so designer saris are obvious. They ask to try cake. Jahnvi says she is diabetic. Ashwin SMSes if she is enjoying party without him. She looks around. He says where is she looking, he lives in her heart. He continues ending romantic shayaris. She sees him sitting in restaurant bar in front of her, smiling at her and gulping liquor.
Saanjh tells Maya that food is very tasty. Maya just stares at her. Saanjh asks why did she plan sudden dinner with her. Maya asks if she should not have invited her. Saanjh says nothing like that. Maya says she knows what she called her, after yesterday’s incident, Arjun got angry on her and she cannot see Arjun angry on her, orders to eat Saanjh thinks where Arjun pushed her. Maya asks what Arjun likes. Saanjh says he likes food a lot, traveling Ladakh, Rishikesh, etc.. Maya asks why is she not eating. Saanjh picks a bite. Saanjh says keep it down, it is cold, moves plate and asks what else Arjun likes. Saanjh says he likes everything. Maya asks bitterguard. Saanjh says o. Maya says then he does not like everything, what else. Saanjh says butter chicken, pav bhaji, etc. etc. and turns. Maya comes from behind cutting bread with a big knife and says some people are lost and some are killed. She holds knife on Saanjh throat and Saanjh shouts in fear.
Arjun and Ayan play video game. Suman and Vandana ask why did he let Saanjh alone at Maya’s house, Maya does not even know Saanjh well. Arjun says how does he know. Suman asks what Saanjh will do there. Ayan says gossip, makeup, etc. Vandana says she does not like all this, she used to tell Saanjh to make girls as friend and not these boys.
Maya forces Saanjh to have gulab jamoon. Saanjh says thank you and tries to leave. Maya stops her and asks why is she going so early, she has to help her in cleaning. Saanjh nods okay. Maya takes out plastic bag and says her height must be 5 feet 2 inches like her and weight 40 kg. Saanjh says she wanted her to help in cleaning. Maya says not now, may be next time. Saanjh runs towards door and tries to open it unsuccessfully. Maya folds back plastic bag and walks towards Saanjh. Saanjh freezes in fear. Maya says Arjun is different from others and she likes different things a lot.
Ashwin SMSes Jahnvi to come and meet him, else he will come there. She meets him and asks what is he doing here. He says he cannot live without her. She says without her or her money. He says money is his weakness and love his desire, she should look into his eyes and see how much he loves her, sheds crocodile tears. Jahnvi tries to wipe it, he says let it be, he cannot live with her and better he dies. She says soon they will be together. he hugs her and smirks. He then forces her to have sweets. She reminces Maya warning her that she is diabetic and cannot have sweets. Ashwin emotionally blackmails her and forces her to eat her to eat whole box.
Maya tells Saanjh that people come here with their wish and go with her wish, she cannot go yet, says she is just joking. Saanjh reminisces Maya’s words that Arjun is different and she likes different things. Maya gives her gift box. Saanjh says what is the need of this. Maya says this is for Arjun, she wanted to give him in the morning, but Arjun angry on her because of her. Saanjh says sorry. Maya says why she is saying sorry, she is Arjun special friend and even special for her. Saanjh takes gift box and tries to open door, Maya opens it and thinks it is enough for today, game is still on.
Precap: Saanjh gives Maya’s gift to Arjun and tells Maya gifted this to him, she loves him. Arjun says Maya does not love him, she appreciates his work. Maya looking at Arjun’s painting thinks she will propose him soon.
Behad 28th October 2016 Written Episode
Arjun over phone informs Saanjh that Maya locked herself in a room after yesterday’s incident. Saanjh jokes he frightened Maya so much. He says she did not come to office all. She tells that her aunt is coming and they need to meet her. He says let us see later. After sometime, Rhea informs Arjun that Maya has to sign important document of his first photoshoot. He says he will go to Maya’s house. She says it is not that easy. Lalwani warns him to be in his limits. Arjun confronts him and says if he crosses his limit, it will not be good for him. He leaves for Maya’s house. Saanjh calls him again and he says he cannot come to meet Aunt and she should hug and kiss aunt on his behalf also. Saanjh’s aunt Rashmi comes and Saanjh kisses her on her and Arjun’s
behalf. Aunt smiles and asks how is Arjun. Saanjh says he is fine.
Arjun reaches Saanjh’s apartment building, but guard stops him. He bribes guard, but guard takes money and asks him to leave. Arjun says he will call police and complain. Guard says police will arrest him for trespassing. Arjun leaves yelling.
Maya is seen still in her panic attack and destroying her childood drawing and blakens her father’s face. On the other side, Ashwin’s live-in partner taunts him that he is a beggar and begged 70,000 rs worth bangles from his wife. He says he will get more money from Jahnvi. She says Maya will not let him in. He says even Maya will be under his clutch soon and he will loot Maya and Jahnvi’s wealth.
Arjun calls Saanjh and informs that guard did not let him into Maya’s building. Their argument starts. In living room, Rashmi tells Prem and Suman that she has brought a good alliance for Saanjh. Suman asks what about Arjun and Saanjh’s relationship. Rashmi says even she likes Arjun, but their relationship is not proceeding more than friendship. Saanjh comes speaking over phone to Arjun and serving tea tells she will kick his bum, ,etc.. Rashmi and her husband laugh silently. Prem says they are just friends. Rashmi warns him to do something before things get out of control.
Maya looks at her childhood items and smiles. She then sees her 9th birthday candle and reminisces her father abusing her and her mother. Jahnvi hears door bell, opens door and sees Ashwin forcefully entering house. She says not today, Maya is upset. He says todayy is the day to speak to his daughter and calls Maya. Jahnvi asks what he needs. He says 5 lakhs. She says he took money 10 days ago and yesterday bangles. Ashwin says that was charit/bheek and he needs 5 lakhs now. She pushes him out of house and says he will not get a single paisa. He calls on landline and says if she does not give him 5 lakhs, he will inform Maya that her mom sends so much money to her pappa. Jahnvi pleads no… Maya is seen reminiscing incidents again and immersing herself into bathtub in a suicide attempt.
Precap: Jahnvi knocks Maya’s room door and pleads her to open door. Maya is seen immersed in bathtub. Arjun is seeing climbing pipe trying to enter Maya’s apartment.
Behad 27th October 2016 Written Episode
Arjun smears Maya’s face with a cake while celebrating her birthday. She panics reminiscing her 9th birthday incident and leaves. Staff stands in a shock. Arjun asks what happened and walks behind her. Another staff member holds Arjun’s collar and shouts how dare he is to touch Maya. Arjun warns him to leave his collar, else he will break his hand. Staff leaves his collar. Arjun walks behind Maya, but constable stops him for running behind a girl. Arjun escapes somehow and sees Maya far away. Maya walks into beach reminisces how her father molested her. She washes her face with water waves and leaves in taxi. Arjun comes calling her and coast guard stops him. He says a lady went into water and sees Maya going in taxi. he thinks she came to beach to just wash her face.
At night, Arjun informs Saanjh and Ayan that Maya went near beach to wash her face. They all laugh. Saanjh scolds Arjun who will smear boss’s face with cake, now he lost his job. Ayan leaves commenting Arjun got his saanjh, he will go and search his soulmate. Arjun leans on Saanjh’s lap and says whenever he is with her, his mild is calm and and light and when he is with Maya, he feels very heavy. She is a solace for him and asks to find solution for his problem. Saanjh smiles and says he has find solution himself this time. Maya is seen sitting on her bed and panicking reminiscing her molestation incident.
Ashwin continues celebrating Maya’s birthday at his home with cake and drinks. His live-in partner says he is drinking since yesterday and should wear dog belt and give its control to Maya. He shouts. She says he is a beggar and she is pity on him and living with him. He shouts. He says he is living on his wife’s money and Maya’s favor and their beggar. He angrily destroys cake and shouts she will watch what he can do. Janhnvi comes there and pleads him to forgive Maya. He says he will complain against her and Maya. Jahnvi pleads him not to. He asks her to pay then. She gives him her gold bangles. He asks her to clean cake now. She cleans. He and his live-in partner laugh.
In the morning, peon opens Maya’s office and sees Arjun sleeping on sofa. Arjun says peon he is late. Peon says it is 8:30 a.m. Arjun asks him to bring coffee. Saanjh calls him after sometiime standing outside his house. He picks call and says he is in office already. She excitedly praises his punctuality and asks if he apologized Maya. He says Maya did not come to office yet. He waits for Maya till afternoon and asks Rhea when will Maya come. She says she does not know and Maya’s mobile is switched off. He asks her Maya’s landline number. She says she does not have. He tries to pick her mobile. She says no use, she does not have Maya’s landline number. Arjun enters Maya’s cabin and finds a document with landline number.
Maya is seen playing with toys whole day locking her room. Arjun calls her landline at night and hears Jahnvi pleading Maya to open door and have some food as she did not have anything since yesterday.
Precap: Rhea tells Arjun that Maya has to sing his first photo shoot documents and she did not turn up yet. Arjun says he will get them signed. Maya is seen immersing into bathtub reminiscing her molestation incident again.

Behad 26th October 2016 Written Episode
During, Arjun’s mother’s birthday, everyone dances including Saanjh, her parents, Ayan. Saanjh asks Arjun and Vandana/mom to dance. Arjun dances hesitantly. Ayan says it is looking good Arjun celebrating mom’s birthday. Saanjh says they will get these kind of moments often until she is there. On the other side, Maya sees a flying balloon (Arjun’s) in her window and happily picks and with a smile says thank you. Birthday party continues at Arjun’s house. Saanjh sees Arjun missing, goes to his room, and sees him sound asleep. She sits and sarts looking at his face. Ayan enters and says a kiss….Suman/Saanjh’s mother then enters and says even she saw Saanjh is about to kiss. Saanjh says no…..Vandana comes and asks what is happening. Ayan
jokes pappi. Vandana also laughs. Saanjh gets nervous. Prem/Saanjh’s father calls Saanjh and Suman and says he is waiting outside for them. They both leave.
In the morning, Maya goes to temple with her mother. While praying, she hears her father’s footsteps and shivering in fear and reminisces the molesting incident. Ashwin walks towards Maya smirking. Dogs attack him and repeatedly bite him. He shouts for help. Saanjh peacefully performs pooja. Jahnvi sees that and asks Maya if she sent dogs. Maya continues praying peacefully.
Arjun reaches office early and decorates Maya’s cabin to celebrate her birthday. Saanjh calls and scolds he was afraid of entering Maya’s house yesterday and now decorating Maya’s cabin, if he is out of his mind. Arjun says yesterday her flop ideal failed, but now he will use his own mind. Maya enters office and prays ganesh idol smilingly reminiscing how Ashwin was attacked by dogs. She then enters her cabin and sees it decorated and Arjun chatting with Saanjh over phone. Arjun stops seeing her and wishes her happy birthday nervously. She says thanks with a smile and sits on her chair. He walks out. Peon serves fearing. Maya does not say anything. Maya’s assistant Rhea asks Arjun if he is sure he wants to celebrate Maya’s birthday. He says yes, Maya thanked and smiled, if she remembers when she saw Maya smiling last. Rhea says she does not. He says if she is with him or not. She says yes.
Maya comes out cabin and whole staff wish her happy birthday with a glitter bomb. Maya silently stands silently. Arjun comes with cake. Maya reminisces her 9th birthday candle again and her father Ashwin. Arjun signs birthday song with staff and signals her to come and cut cake. She nervously walks reminiscing her 9th birthday again and blows candles. Staff continue clapping surprise. Maya cuts cake. Arjun picks cake piece and instead of feeding her smears it on her face. Maya reminisces her father doing same.
Precap: Maya leaves her birthday party panicking and walks into water. Arjun runs behind her and starts searching her.
Behad 25th October 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh and Arjun reach outside Maya’s apartment building with flowers, cake and balloons. Their usual nok jhok starts. Arjun sees Maya’s flat and says this is the same building which he used to dream about having a house in. Saanjh also reminisces the incident and says no wonder Maya is angry on her as she was standing in balcony the other day. The nok jhok continues. They get into building. Security guard stops them and Arjun says they came to celebrate Maya’s birthday. Guard asks them to get out as Maya has asked not to let anyone. Arjun says he will get in at any cost and says they will climb stairs. Saanjh says 15 floors. Once guard gets busy, they silently start climbing stairs. Saanjh walks holding cake and flowers while Arjun climbs with only balloon. Arjun
gets tired and asks Saanjh how come she is so energetic. She says it is yoga power and suggests him also to do yoga daily.
Saanjh reminisces her father molesting her during her 9th birthday and panics. She hears door bell, opens it and is shocked to see her father Ashwin with cake. She panicks. Father sings happy birthday to you and enters in. She walks behind shivering. Mom Jahnvi comes to her rescue and tries to stop him. He continues walking towards Maya. Maya runs into her room and locks door. Jahnvi asks why is he troubling Maya. He laughs that she is not letting him wish his daughter. Maya continues shivering in her room. Ashwin peeps from key hole and laughs that Maya is looking at him and asks to open door. Jahnvi continues pleading him to leave Maya alone. He says let him wish his daughter. Jahnvi calls security guard and sends him out. He says he will come back to celebrate his daughter’s birthday. Maya continues shivering in fear. Jahnvi knocks door and says papa left.
Security guard takes Ashwin till lift. Ashwin says he knows to go from here and enters lift. Saanjh and Arjun come climbing 15 stairs. Security guard catches them and gets them out of building. Arjun warns him that one day he will be having an apartment in this building and guard wil salute him. He then frees balloon. Balloon flies and gets into Maya’s room via window. Maya continues shivering in fear sitting on her bed.
Arjun and Saanjh reach home. Mom opens door and seeing them holding flowers and cake asks if they knew about her birthday. Saanjh says of course they remember. Mom thanks them. Saanjh asks her to go and change will she arranges cake and calls her parents.. Arjun looks at Maya written on cake and tells Ayan that Saanjh is a big lier. He says how will she erase Maya. They then are shocked to see MAA on cake with Y missing. Arjun starts fighting with Saanjh with his usual nok jhok. Saanjh’s parents enter and mom says still their childish behavior has not gone, earlier Saanjh used to beat Arjun and now Arjun is beating Saanjh. Arjun says truth always wins. Mom comes back and asks what truth. Ayan says his mom’s birthday. Saanjh’s mom says she came in Nightie itself to celebrate birthday. Saanjh says it is aunty’s birthday and not her birthday. Mom sees Arjun not happy like other.
Maya’s mom starts gulping liquor angrily. She ears Maya singing Happy birthday to me, happy birthday Maya. She walks neaar door and sees Maya lighting number 9 calender on cake and continuing to sing. Maya blows candle. On the other side, Arjun’s mom blows candle and everyone sing happy birthday to you and clap. Maya cuts cake. Arjun’s mm also cuts cake and feeds everyone happily Everyone enjoy. She then goes to Arjun, but he picks some with his hand without a smile. Maya also eats cake herself.
Precap: Arjun takes cake to Maya’s cabin and signs happy birthday to you. Saanjh over phone surprisingly asks if he took cake to Maya’s cabin.

Behad 24th October 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh waits for Arjun on her scooter. He comes down. She gives him bouquet and says it is for Maya. He jokes he did not know she is so fast. She says shut up yaar and asks him to reach office on time. He says nobody can stop him from reaching office on time and lure Maya. Saanjh says so funny. Saanjh leaves after their usual nok jhok. Someone drops garbage on Arjun from balcony. He scolds him. He then reaches office 5 minutes late. Peon collects bet money from colleageus and tells Arjun if he coms late daily, they can share bet money. Arjun sees Maya and walks towards her. Assistant briefs Maya about her today’s meetings. Arjun shows her boquet. She reminisces yesterday’s lift inident. He says Maya..late..sorry…dusky… She asks assistant to fix a
meeting with client at 2 p.m. and leaves. Arjun says dusky’s plans always fail and gives bouquet to Maya’s assistant. Assistant gets happy.
At Saanjh’s office, boss Malkani asks her what is going between her and Maya, why Maya is so interested in her. She reminisces Ayan and Arjun taunting her that she must be interesed in Maya and shouts no…Boss scolds her and she walks back to her desk and thinks she is always in trouble because of Arjun. Arjun calls her and calls her makhi/fly. She asks if he told Maya. He says it is not easy to tell truth and asks what is happening between her and Maya. She says shut up and disconnects call. He says definitely something is going on.
Arjun then goes to Maya’s cabin with coffee and cookies, but Maya shows she is already sipping coffee. He tries to speak. She reminisces lift incident and leaves. He then tries to speak durring meeting, but she walks out. He calls her and tries to speaks. She disconnects call and walks to washroom. He gets into washroom. She asks what the hell. He pins her to a mirror and says cockroach, ghost, etc,, he is afraid of like she is afraid of dark. She says she is not. He says she is a normal girl and is also afraid, they can face it or run away. She leaves. He holds her hand and says she should not tell about his fears and he will not about hers. She leaves. He says he is a too cruel.
Arjun’s mother Vandana at Saanjh’s house helps Saanjh’s mother Suman in cooking and asks if Saanjh knows cooking, else Arjun has to fast after marriage. She says she is waiting for Arjun and Saanjh to accept their love. Dad says he is afraid that Arjun should also love Saanjh, else Saanjh will be lost.
Saanjh reaches Arjun’s office to meet Maya and asks Arjun if he told truth to Maya. He says not yet. She scolds him and enters Maya’s cabin. Maya is busy over phone and signals her come in. Saanjh says Malkani..meeting. Maya asks if she needs water. Saanjh says yes and gulps water in one go. Maya checks file and says Saanjh that she is efficient. Saanjh says thank you. Arjun signals her and she signals back. Maya notices it. Arjun enters and introduces himself to Saanjh and says Maya he needs to talk to her, but how in front of stranger. Maya says Saanjh works for her and he can speak and then asks Saanjh if he is mischievous since before and asks Arjun if he fought with model for Saanjh. He says no. Saanjh nodes yes. Arjun also nods yes. Maya asks since when they know each other. Sanjh says from childhood. Maya says their friendship should not interfere her work. Arjun says not all and nothing can interfere between their friendship also.
Arjun then walks out keeping his hand on Saanjh’s shoulder. Maya notices it. Arjun then takes Saanjh to cafeteria and they both enjoy. Maya notices them silently. She calls Saanjh’s boss and says she needs to talk about Saanjh. Arjjun and Saanjh get out of lift and Saanjh says he should have told truth to Maya. He says no.. She says she will go and inform. He pulls her back and she falls down and asks why did not he hold her. He says why should he. She shows Maya’s birth certificate and says tomorrow is Maya’s birthday and he should tell truth then. He asks how does she know and continues taunting her. Their nok jhok continues.
Maya reaches home and sees Maya working humming song. She sits on sofa chair and reminisces lift and bathroom incident with Arjun. Mom asks what happened, she had played music, decorated table, prepared dishes, she did not notice anything. Maya says I am sorry, let us have dinner. Mom serves food and says she prepared all her favorite dishes. Maya asks why all these today.
Arjun says Saanjh that we will take white boquet with white cake and white balloon to give birthday surprise to Maya. Saanjh says they can go tomorrow. He insists.
Maya gets up from dinner. Mom says it is already 15 years since that incident. Maya reminisces her 9th birthday and her father locking her in a room and says some incidents cannot be forgotten.
Precap: Arjun with Saanjh reaches Maya’s apartment building with cake and gifts to wish her birthday and walks towards her apartment. Maya opens door and panics seeing her father. Father shows her cake and says happy birthday to you. She shivers in fear. Mom pleads from behind to let Maya go.

Behad 21st October 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh comes home with her friend after her friend’s wedding shopping. Friend insists her to try bridal dress. Saanjh hesitantly agrees and comes out wearing bridal dress. Friend says she is looking very beautiful.
At office, Maya looks at live CCTV footage and panics seeing her father in reception. She calls security and orders to kick the man out. Security stops father and he walks out looking into security camera. Saachi panics even more. In bathroom, Arjun’s drama continues. He looks at a fly and asks if she is Saachi and came to rescue him as she does usually.
Saanjh’s mom sees her in bridal dress and scolds that she used tell everything to her since childhood but hid about her marriage. Saanjh says she did not marry. Dad gets emotional and with
teary eyes says she is looking very pretty. Saanjh says she will go and change and leaves to her room. Mom asks dad to stop being emotional.
Saanjh comes to Arjun’s house and sees Ayan crying. She asks what happened to him and then sees him cutting onions. She asks if Arjun came back, his phone is not reachable. Ayan says Arjun is stuck in Maya’s magic.
Maya leaves office asking peon to leave Arjun after 10 min. She gets into lift and it stops in the middle. Arjun is seen tampering lift and laughing that Maya punished him for 6 hours, he will punish her for 6 minutes. Maya panics in lift and reminisces being locked in a room by her fathe in childhood and she pleading her parents to get her out. Arjun feels why she is not shouting, something is wrong. He opens lift door and sees her shivering in fear. He extends his hand and asks to hold it and come out. She imagines her mother extending hand and asking her to come out. She holds hand and comes out and hugs him tightly. Power comes. Arjun says that lift…Maya gets back to normal and leaves.
Arjun informs Saanjh and Ayan that he did with Maya. They both scold him for his mistake. He says even Maya locked him in a bathroom and forced him to drink beer. Saanjh says he is the one who drank beer in Maya’s cabin and stole her gold class movie tickets, Maya is just trying to teach her a lesson. Arjun continues his drama and Saanjh and Ayan continue correcting him.
Precap: Arjun tries to explain Maya what happened in lift. Maya sees Arjun and Saanjh’s friend and warns him not to mess work with friendship. He says he will not and is seen enjoying with Saanjh. Maya calls Saanjh’s boss and tells she needs to talk about saanjh..

Behad 20th October 2016 Written Episode
Arjun exchanges Maya’s gold class complementary movie tickets with economy class tickets. He goes to theater with Saanjh and Ayan to movie and they all 3 sit on gold class tickets and enjoy popcorn before movie. They see Maya standing out with her mother and hide under seat. Maya enters hall and shows tickets to ticket checker who says she has enecomy class tickets under gold class envelope. She gives money and asks checker to get gold class ticket. Checker says show is houseful. Maya tries to leave, but her mom convinces her to watch movie in economy class. Arjun with Saanjh and Ayan watch movie and hide again under seat. Maya walks out with mother. They all 3 walk out next and throw gold class tickets in dustbin. Maya comes back and asks someone to take out tickets and fumes
seeing gold glass tickets in economy class envelope.
Next morning, Arjun goes to office and sees employees going under a security check. He asks colleagues who says bulglary happened in Maya’s office, so everyone is frisked out. He jokes. Saanjh calls her and tells their school friend Dimple is coming for her marriage shopping. Arjun says he does not like her as she always used to make them fight. Saanjah says she has taken off today and will enjoy shopping with Dimple. Peon comes and asks Arjun if he stole anything. Arjun says no.
Arjun is frisked next. Maya calls everyone to conference room in 5 min. She asks everyone to except the crime whoever has done it. Everyone stand silently. Peon asks Arjun again if he stole anything. Arjun says no. Maya asks assistant to play CCTV footage. Assistant is shown entering Maya’s cabin and correcting her makeup, Peon munching tobacco, then Arjun exchanging tickets. Arjun says those are just tickets and assistant told Maya does not go to movies. Maya says except yesterday and asks peon to call police. Arjun walks behind her and says she cannot call police for silly mistake. Maya says he should have practiced law instead of joining fashion house. Arjun requests. She says okay, he has to stay locked in bathroom for 6 hours. He says everyone say she has weak sense of humor, but they are wrong. She says police lockup or bathroom. He asks if she is serious. She goes out and in front of all asks peon to take Arjun’s mobile and lock him in bathroom for 6 hours, goes back to her cabin.
Arjun says peon to spare him and take 100, 200, 300 rs. Peon takes his mobile and locks him in bathroom. Arjun starts pulling paper towel, tissue paper, throwing water around, spoiling bathroom.
Saanjh takes her friend Dimple to her room and says she can stay here. Dimple sees Saanjh an d Arjun’s pic and asks if she is still stuck with him.. Saanjh says Arjun is hard working and has joined as fashion photographer in big fashion house. Friend asks if she loves Arjun. Saanjh says no, they are good friends. Friend continues taunting Maya and explains how one feels i love.
Arun continues his drama in bathroom and tries to break door, but gets hurt. Maya in her cabin looks at office live CCTV footage and panics seeing her dad coming in.
Preca: Maya gets stuck in lift due to electricity failure and panics. Arjun breaks lift and enters. Maya hugs him tightly.
Behad 19th October 2016 Written Episode
Maya gives termination letter to Arjun and 2 other employees. Arjun asks her to terminate him and spare other 2. She asks him to drink beer until she says to stop termination. He gulps bottles after bottles and falls unconscious. Maya tears termination letters. Employees drop arjun home.
In the morning, Saanj throws water on Arjun and wakes him up. She scolds him why did he drink so much liquor. He tries to speak. She continues scolding why did he drink in office.
Maya at her home prays god and apologizes for punishing Arjun and says she had to teach him a lesson for his mistake. She hears mom shouting from her room and rushes in and sees mom throwing things on servants. Maya calms her down. Mom says she wants to go out and is tired of her room. Maya says she should
be in her room for her protection and promises sh will take her out.
Arjun travels in his jeep with Saanjh towards his office. Saanjh sees temple on the side of road and asks him to stop. He says no… She gets out of jeep and starts praying in front of temple. People silently carry temple. Arjun laughs and says god also is afraid of Dusky/Saanjh and jokes with her.
Arjun reaches home and sees Maya still has not come to office. Colleagues see him and run away. He goes and sits on his desk and asks peon what is happened. Peon says everyone has bet that he will get someone out of job today and requests to do so as he has bet 200 rs. Arjun starts sketching Maya with horns. Maya enters office and watches him dring her pic with horn. Arjun gets afraid seeing her and apologizes. She walks to her cabin. He walks behind and says he will leave before she terminates him again. She says he drew it right, next time he should draw bigger horns. She then asks him to complete project and then go. Arjun goes back to his desk and starts working.
Maya gets complementary gold class show tickets. She calls her mom and says she is coming home and will take her out. Arjun continues working on his desk. Maya’s assistant tells him that he has to stay till 12 midnight and finish his project. She gives him economy class tickets and says she will take Maya’s gold class tickets as Maya does not go anywhere. Arjun goes to Maya’s cabin. She gets up and hits his nose by mistake. He says it is okay. She goes out. He sees gold class tickets, reminisces assistant’s words, and silently changes gold class tickets with economy class tickets and silently leaves.
Precap: Maya with her mom goes for a show and security stops them and says she just has gold class envelope with economy class tickets in it. Arjun, Saanjh, and Ayan get afraid seeing Maya and peep from seats. Maya fumes.
Behad 18th October 2016 Written Episode
Maya checks her office’s live CCTV footage and fumes seeing Arjun with 2 other colleagues enjoying beer and partying. Arjun leaves office with colleagues backbiting about Maya. He sees Maya coming to office and asking if he is not afraid of her. He says no. She becomes ghost and he worriedly wakes up from sleep and realizes it was her dream. Saanjh is present there. Arjun says he saw Maya as ghost in dream. She says if he sleeps so much, he will get bad dream obviously. Their usual nok jhok continues.
Maya reaches office and asks assistant if Arjun came. Assistant says not yet. Maya gathers employees and asks who is afraid of god. Everyone raise their hands. One of them asks assistant why she is talking about god. Assistant says she is talking about herself. Maya continues
asking employee if they think their mistake will be hidden by boss.
At Arjun’s home, mom prepares Arjun’s favorite sandwitches and serves it to Saanjh and Ayan. Ayan says Saanjh if she comes to this house, he does not have to eat Arjun’s favorite sandwiches daily. Mom comes back. Saanjh says aunty. Ayan asks to call mummyji. Arjun comes and mom shows sandwiches. Arjun says he is getting late for presentation. Saanjh convinces him to have breakfast finally. He takes and leaves.
Saanjh waits for Arjun and starts presentation with client. Client says he did not like her campaign. Arjun comes and shakes hand with client. Client who is gay likes Arjun. Arjun briefs about his garam masala named campaign, seducing gay client. Client says he liked his campaign and asks Maya to include Arjun’s campaign. Once client leaves, Arjun says Maya he did this to get contract from client. Maya leaves. Arjun challenges his colleagues that he will force Maya to say thank you and walks behind her, but she ignores him.
Saanjh gets Arjun’s call. She goes to washroom and picks his call. He says his campaign was successful, but Maya did not even say thank you, she is very arrogant. Boss knocks door. Saanjh comes out. Boss says whatever they get ideas in bathroom are stinky always and says let us go to meet Maya Malhotra. Saanjh gets tensed and calls Arjun. Arjun who is clicking outdoor public pics frightens her that Maya is a big problem and Maya has problem with problem, she should call her parents and inform that she is gone, says even she will get ghost dreams like him from hereon. Saanjh goes to ganesh temple and prays god that he does 90% of her job, but hanumanji is strong in ghost issues. She goes to hanuman temple next and prays god to save her from ghosts, she chants few hanuman chalisa verses and says she knows only this much.
Maya goes to hotel and gets afraid seeing her father. She starts shivering in fear and holding guard’s hands asks him to get him in. Guard sees her very afraid. Once she goes in till lift and her dad walks out, she gives 500 rs note to guard. Guard says he does not take money from children and asks if she is fine. She says guests are called madam and walks out.
Maya then meets Saanjh and her boss and discusses about her company issue, wrongly transferring 25% of her compan stake to some other company. Saanjh’s boss suggests her to give some crores to other company and get the matter settled. Maya’s manager says their company will not compromise. Saanjh reads file and says she has solution. Boss scolds her. Maya asks what is solution. Saanjh reminisces Arjun’s words and starts blubbering weird wordss. Maya says solution. She tells when she signed contract, she was not 18 and was minor, so contract is invalid. Maya walks out ordering boss that she will deal with only Saanjh hereon. Boss boasts that is he hires young talent.
Maya calls 2 employees who partied with Arjun in her cabin last night. Arjun comes late and assitant tells him that Maya is waiting for him. He goes to Maya’s cabin and seeing beer on table, opens a bottle and starts sipping. Maya gives him letter. He says this is her way of thanking by giving promotion, opens letters and is shocked to see his and other 2 employees’ termination letter. He thinks how dose Maya know about his last night’s party and says Maya she cannot terminate him.
Precap: Arjun asks Maya to terminate him and spare other 2 employees. Maya says if he wants to save them, he should drink beer till she says no. He drinks bottles of beer and falls down unconscious.

Behad 17th October 2016 Written Episode
Maya is busy in presentation with her staff. Arjun enters. She restarts presentation and shows her designs. Arjun starts finding faults. Maya gets irked and asks assistant to give Arjun a team and asks Arjun to make his presentation in 2 hours. He says 2 hours are very less. Maya says if he is not busy on his mobile, he can make presentation within 2 hours.
At Arjun’s home, Ayan asks mom if Arjun did not call yet. Mom asks why will he call her, the asks if he called him. He says no. Saanjh calls him and he tells mom that her bahu has called. Mom gets angry. Ayan says he means one with whom she fights like bahu.
Arjun’s colleagues ignore him. He asks why they are ignoring him. Peon says they are all worried about their jobs. Arjun asks what about him.
Peon says he keeps hanuman chalisa taweez and is well protected. Maya’s secretary gives pencils to each employee. Employees plead that they have a family and cannot take risk. One of them gets a call that his wife is il and rushes home.
Arjun gets busy in discussing his ideas with his colleagues. Saanjh waits for Arjun’s call at her office. She reaches outside Arjun’s office and messages him that she is down. He lies colleagues that he is going to rest room and rushes down. He tells Saanjh that he is taking life’s longest rest room break. They chat and enjoy ice cream, sampling many and murmuring how they are fooling icecream vendor. Maya asks her assistant to call everyone for presentation in 5 minutes. Saanjh and Arjun’s enjoyment continues. Ice cream vendor says if they are from Maya’s company, they should leave right now as even walls have ears. Arjun gives 50 rs. Vendor says he heard about their ice cream sampling comment, so he needs 50 rs more. Arjun gives him 100 rs and scolds to eat 50 rs icecream himself.
Arjun returns back to presentation room and in his jovial style gives a presentation and says his presentaiton theme will be called garam masala. Maya says she needs presentation by 9 a.m. tomorrow and leaves. Arjun asks colleages why she is always on the edge.
Maya reaches home and hears voice from mom’s room. She opens door and sees mom talking to her husband’s pic and sipping alcohol. Maya gives her medicine and silently takes photo from under pillow. She then goes to kitchen and with tomatoes grinds photo and smirks. She then goes to her room and watches office’s live CCTV footage on her tab. She sees Arjun and 2 of his colleagues enjoying beer and partying and fumes.
Precap: Saanjh’s boss tells her that they are going to meet Maya. Saanjh worriedly calls Arjun and asks if Maya is khadoos who says a lot. Arjun goes to Maya’s cabin and she gives him termination letter.

Behad 14th October 2016 Written Episode

Maya suspends Arjun from intern job and walks out. Saanjh looks in a shock. Arjun fumes. He picks Maya’s veil, reminisces she wiping her hands with it and says he will wipe his nose with it. Saanjh taunts him about his high dreams and says he should not have lost this job. He sees model’s dresses being taken away and says he will do show his maaya/magic on maaya and asks Saanjh to help him.
Arjun is at home and Ayan nurses his injury and asks it is obious to get beaten up if he steals model’s dresses. He taunts that he loves Saanjh, so he fought with model for her. He throws things on Ayan. Mom comes and nurses Arjun’s wound.
At Saachi’s house, Saachi’s family taunts her that Arjun loves her, so he protected her from model. Saachi says she
is.. Brother says they are, Dad says best, mom says friends. Brother asks why did she mingle with model, to make Arjun jealous… Saanjh says no…Family taunts again she should express her feelings to Arjun. She says he has to understand many things before that. Arjun calls her and asks to come down soon with car keys. She rushes down. Arjun takes keys from Saanjh. Saanjh tries to sit next to him, but Ayan insists and sits. Saanjh asks Arjun what he will do now. He says show his maya/magic to Maya.
In the morning, Maya’s employee informs her that all model dresses are missingg. Maya warns her to find them soon, else get out of her office. Arjun comes to office and forcefully sits on his desk. Peon tries to remove his nameplate, but he keeps it back. Maya sees his misbehavior and angrily walks towards him. She then sees news were common girls display clothes and reporter praises that Maya’s firm proved that one does not need supermodels to display their creations and good clothes can make any one and anywhere look beautiful. Everyone clap. Arjun tells clothes are in studio itself and he wantd to prove his worth. He wipes his hands from Maya’s veil and murmurs in her ears dog shakes tail and not otherwise. Maya reminisces her dialogues. Assistant gives Arjun’s termination letter. Maya takes it and asks employee who lost dresses to write her name.
Arjun thinks how can Maya suspend that girl and not him. He knocks Maya’s door and says actually his termination letter. She says she gave it to one who deserved it, there is a presentation in 30 minutes. He asks if he really got back job. She says he is not that stupid like he is displaying himself. He says he will accept job only if she takes back assistant and watchman. She says he can leave then. He says he is going, repeats.. She does not pay heed. He sits back and says they just did simple mistake. She says they were not layal to their job, watchman took bribe even after taking salary from her and showed his disloyalty, same with assistant, she does not want disloyal people. He says even he made a mistake. She says he made mistake and was not disloyal. He says they lost job because of him, so he will leave. She says fine he may leave. He walks out.
Arjun sees assistant and watchman and says he left job trying to defend them. They say they are actually happy leaving Maya’s job. Assistant says she is trying for a leave since 3 months for her marriage, but Maya did not give her a single day leave. Watchman says he took loan and could not quit, now his loan is also foreclosed. They both thank him and leave smiling. Arjun realizes his mistake that trying to save others, he lost his job.
Maya looks at presentation and then tells assistant to gather everyone within 10 min for presentation. She starts presentation. Arjun knocks door and asks if he can come in. Maya angrily looks at him.
Precap: Maya asks her mom not to be awake till late night, takes her dad’s photo under mom’s pillow and desroys it in a mixer. She then sees a CCTV footage in which Arjun, Ayan, and their friend partying in her cabin and fumes. .

Behad 13th October 2016 Written Update 

Behad 13th October 2016 Written Episode
Saanjh and Arjun play chana throwing game. Saanjh throws chana on Arjun’s face and he has to catch it. He says he does not want to play as she is throwing on his eyes. She says he threw on her last time. He gets up. She gives him chanas. He gets a call from office and is informed that he has to be at office by 8 a.m. He tells Saanjh that he does not have any tension, except Maya. She ordered him to come to office at 8 a.m., who will wake up at 8 a.m.
Maya’s mother knocks her room door and asks to open it. Maya is seen sitting behind sofa and shiving in fear. Mom says she knows what she is going through, but he is her papa. Maya keeps her hands on her ears and continues shivering in fear.
In the morning, Saanjh calls Arjun’s brother Ayan and scolds how
can Arjun be so careless, he has to be at office by 8 a.m., but he is still sleeping, Maya must hae laid a trap for him and he wil fall in it. Ayan keeps phone on Arjun’s ears. Arjun wakes up in a hurry and asks Ayan to press shirt for him. Mom brings shirt. He says he does not want to wear it, then says it is okay he does not want to waste electricity. Mom leaves. Ayan asks if he should press another shirt. Ayan throws towel on him.
Arjun reaches office parking lot and finds a new watchman who says because old watchman could not park car properly, he was dismissed. Arjun then enters office and tells Maya’s assistant that watchman was dismissed because of his mistake He finds new receptionist who says she is Maya’s new assistant. Arjun is shocked and says khadoos has replaced even her. He goes to his desk where peon says Maya has left for the shoot 30 min ago and he may lose his job. He rushes to shooting venue and blushes seeing models. He takes camera and guides crew members. One of crew member asks who is he. He says he is a photographer. Crew member says but maya madam.. Arjun says madam always blubbers. Maya comes with photographer who asks why did not she tell that she has hired a new photographer, he did not know her firm has gone so low to hire any roadster as photographer. Arjun throws attitude comment. Maya says he is an intern and since he is unfit for this job and came late, he is out. Photographer taunts it happens when roasters think they are greater, asks to take his bag and walk out. Arjun goes to Maya and asks if she carries a quota dismissing people, today watchman, assistant and now he, who will work for her. She says who carry a dream and ambiition.
Saanjh calls Arjun and asks what happened now. He says maya happened and says bhadme jaye tu and bhadme jaye maya and job. She says tu ja bhadme/you go to hell. She then sees boss coming towards her and looking at client’s name as Bhadme acts as talking to client. Boss gets impressed. She says she is going to meet client Bhadme and leaves.
Arjun sees a sign board that winner never gives up and whoever gives up will never win. He goes back to Maya and says he can do anything to get this job. She asks to go and correct model’s clothes. He goes and gets male model ready. Female model calls him and asks to zip her dress. He walks towards her. Male model asks who will zip his pant. He goes back. Female model leaves. Photographer shows clicked photos to Maya. Maya says good job and walks out without shaking hands. Photographer gets angry. Maya’s guard asks watchman to clear way as Maya is coming.
Saanj reaches studio. A male model gets impressed by her and introduces himself. Saanjh thinks thinks this is right opportunity to make Arjun jealous and introduces herself. Arjun interferes and says she got a boyfriend and asks her to enjoy. Model starts misbehaving with her. Arjun interferes and says when girl is not interested, he cannot trouble her. Model punches him. Arjun retaliates back and punches him. Their fight starts. Photographer informs Maya. Maya comes back and stops Arjun and says when a dog wants to become human, he is made family member and when human tries to become dog, he is kicked out of house. She walks out asking him to come tomorrow and take his termination letter.
Precap: Arjun says Maya has spread her magic a lot, it is his time to spread his magic. Model complains Maya that all her clothes are missing.

Behad 12th October 2016 Written Update 

Behad 12th October 2016 Written Episode
Arjun goes for an interview. He introduces himself to receptionist and says he had an interview at 10 a.m. She says it is 10:10 a.m. now. He says if he can go. She says no, madam does not like late comers. He says sometimes one has to break rules and continues his gyaan. Boss calls and says she had one interview today. She says yes candidate is waiting since 45 minutes and she is sending in. Arjun gives her choc and flirts. Receptionist smiles and asks hm to go in soon as he is already 10 min late.
Saanjh reaches her office/lawyer office. Her boss shows her aarti thali. She prays that a lot of divorces should happen and they get a lot of cases. Boss scolds to pray by heart. She says she wanted to work for him, so he became lawyer. Boss continues scolding her and asks to
clean dust on files. Saanjh thinks because of Arjun she has to listen so much from her boss and if he does not get job, she will make him work here.
Arjun reaches boss’s cabin and is surprised to see Maya. Maya gets angry and says it is his interview. Arjun says unless she takes it. He imagines Maya who scolds him not to show attitude. Maya says he is late and she does not like late comers. He says even she came late and sits on chair. She says she did not ask him to sit. He says he knows she was about to ask. She checks his profile and says he does not have photography experience. He says even life does not have any experience, he wants to learn photography under her. She says if she wanted to teach, she would have opened a school, she needs a talent photograher, he may leave. He gets up, but imagines Saachi scolding him to sit. He sits back and says
At Maya’s office, Arjun shows gives his portfolio. Maya says she does not have work for extra oversmart people and he may leaves. He gets up but imagines Saanjh scolding him to sit down. He sits back and says phography is an experience of capturing moments and if she looks at his profile at this moment, she may like it. She checks his profile pics and finds her balcony pic. He says he clicked last night and this lady looks like a loner with sorrows aroun dher life. She walks out, goes to receptionist and asks her to get Arjun’s appointment letter and her restrication letter as she did show her loyalty to her and made candidate wait for 45 min. She gets back to her cabin and gives intern appointment letter to Arjun and asks peon to show Arjun’s place. Arjun is given a desk which Maya can watch. Peon silently warns him to stick to his seat if he wants this job. Arjun sits on his seat and waves Maya.
After sometime, Arjun gets up. Peon warns him to sit back if he wants this job. Arjun says he needs to pee. Peon gives him bottle and asks to pee in it. He imagines Saachi who scolds him to sit.
Saanjh mother comes to Arjun’s house with Arjun’s mother and brother. Their nok jhok starts. Saanjh comes and fumes that Arjun did not call her yet, she is worried if he got a job or not. Brother says she loves Arjun and is worried about him. Saanjh says she is Arjun’s best friend. Mom says she is with Arjun since childhood and people talk a lot about them, she wants them to marry. Brother continues joking. Arjun rushes in and runs to bathroom. They all discuss he must have not got a job. Arjun comes out of bathroom and says he got a job. Saanjh hugs and congratulates him happily. Arjun looks at his mom and says he will go and fix his tyre puncture. Saanjh hugs and congratualtes mom.
Saanjh then goes down with Arjun’s brother and asks Arjun if he really god job. Arjun says yes with 1 month probation. She says even she got 6 month probation. He then badmouths about Maya that his boss is very frightening and everyone are afraid of her, when her car passes, all cars stop like it is president’s car, says ganapati pendal girl is my boss. Saanjh says in short Arjun is afraid of his boss. Brother asks his boss is afraid of whom. Arjun says she is not afraid of even a devil.
Maya walks into her apartment building and is about to open her apartment door when she hears a man walking. Lights flicker. She gets afraid and drops mobile. She bends and picks mobile and gets more afraid seeing man’s face on her mobile glass. She afraidly rings bell and walks back. Man smirks and walks towards her. She panics in frear. Her mother rushes out and asks what is he doing, why is he frightening his daughter. Man asks if he cannot speak to his daughter and smirks at Maya, says Maya will you not say hell to her papa. Maya runs into her apartment.
Precap: Arjun fights with goons. Maya stops him and says when dog wants to become family member, he becomes pet down. When it misbehaves, it will be kicked out. 

Behad 11th October 2016 Written Episode
Serial starts with Ganesh darshan and serial’s hero Arjun dancing in front of Ganesh ji with a song…deva sri ganesha…playing in the background. His friend Saaanjh joins him. He starts dancing again on song and saanjh joins him. After dance, Maya comes in car, gets out and prays in front of Ganesji. Arjun jokes that she looks the one enjoying her father’s money. Saanjh sees tears on Maya’s cheeks and says she is crying. Arjun jokes only two kind of people pray ganeshji, one who are about to ruin someone’s life and pray for forgiveness and one who alredy did mistake and pray for forgiveness.
Arjun and Saanjh then walk away and sit in Arjun’s jeep. Jeep does not start. Saanjh laughs. She says she prayed if he gets a job and stays for 6 months,
she will walk barefoot to Siddhivinayak. He stops car and climbs on railing and says he wants to become so rich and shows a luxury car. She says she wants to find happiness in small things with family. He sees a high rise luxury apartment and says he wants to stay in that. Maya comes out and stands in balcony. Saanjh says rich people don’t have money, but no sleep like that woman. He clicks Saanjh pic and says some day he will be there. They both then leave in jeep again. Maya’s vel falls, flies and falls on Arjun’s face. He drives rashly and is about to ram his car when Saanjh removes veil. Arjun stops jeep and asks from wehre did it come. Saanjh says she does not know. Arjun keeps veil to clean his jeep.
Maya’s mother calls and she goes back. Mom sipping alchohol shows jewelry boxes and asks which one to wear when her papa comes. She will have food with him. Maya says he willl not come, she should finish her dinner and sleep.
Saanjh reaches home and silently tries to open door via key. Her mom opens door and scolds her. Dad pampers her. She goes and sleeps on bed. Dad says she should marry her boyfriend and leave their bedroom. Saanjh says bestfriend. Parents say they know, she loves Arjun but cannot express her love. Mom says she can speak to Arjun’s mom. Saanjh says no. Her brother comes and says it is his turn to sleep with mummy/papa. Saanjh taunts him. He sleeps on floor fuming. Dad and mom say light offf.
Arjun reaches home at 3 a.m. Mom scolds and asks him not to open his brother’s room as he is having IIM exan and is studying. Arjun sleeps on sofa. At 4 a.m., brother comes from party. Arjun opens door and scolds him. They both fall alseep. Saanjh reaches outside Arjun’s house and horns repeatedly. Brother asks him to go down. Saanjh calls him next. He picks call. She says it is 9:40 a.m. already and he has interview at 10 a.m. He hurriedly wakes up and scolds his brother for not waking him up.
Maya’s mother panicks and throws thihngs. Maya opens door and tries to calm mom. Mom says Anil promised he will come 25 years ago. Maya says he loves only himself and will not come. Mom says he gave her ring and promised he will come. Maya takes diamond ring and breaks it and says if love tries to overtake one’s mind, it is better to forget it.
Saanjh travels with Arjun in her bike while Arjun travels on his jeep. She asks him to do his best in interview. Arjun reaches interview building and parks car in boss’s parking place. Watchman says it is boss’s parking place. Arjun bribes him 100 rs and throws keys on him. Maya comes and catchhes keys and says this parking place. Arjun jokes that he bribed 100 rs to watchman for this place and asks watchman to help this distressed woman. Maya removes his jeep and watchman parks her car in her place. She comes out out of jeep and throws keys on him. Keys fall down. Arjun says he has to meet someone and runs in.
Precap: Maya appoints Arjun saying she likes oversmart people like him. Arjun tells Saanjh that her boss is fearless. A man enters and Maya hides under table in fear. 

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