7 times when Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kangana Ranaut dissed the credibility of Bollywood award shows

Bollywood award shows are becoming a sham these days, and everyone is becoming vocal about them. I remember there was a time during my childhood in the ’90s, more than any movie to release, the one thing I most looked forward to was award functions. That time, the only popular award function was Filmfare (then Manikchand Filmfare). What I loved most about the function that it was the only time in the year where a whole lot of stars would come and attend the function. It was telecast live, none of the nominees knew who would be getting an award, and character artistes like Om Puri, Amrish Puri, Naseeruddin Shah had an equal chance of winning an award like a Shah Rukh Khan or Sunny Deol.
But then it all changed. Every channel began to have an award function of its own. They stopped telecasting the event live, and the awards began to go to people who do accept the invite. Sometimes, even the said actor (if he is a big name) has no movie that was considered for an award, the organisers would find some new award just to appease him/her (Star Icon of the Year, Fashion Icon of the Year, gibberish gibberish…). Even the performances on the stage are being just recorded videos, and if you think reactions given out by a star for a particular joke or a speech are real, then you are wrong. These are stock reactions that the cameraman has already captured from the stars during the event, and the editor has placed the scenes according to his whims. Now the award events have become more like a session where stars give fan service to each other, like the recent Star Screen Awards where Salman and Shah Rukh Khan bored us to near death by singing praises of each other, and making lame jokes. Trust me, the situation is getting worse by the year.
Don’t believe me? What if the stars themselves trolled these award functions, something they so love to attend. I am not talking about an Aamir Khan or Ajay Devgn, who have long ago abandoned these award functions, labelling them as sham. The stars I am talking about do attend, win and even perform at these functions, and yet they don’t have a high regard for the same. Here are 7 of them who dissed awards in the past one year…
Shah Rukh Khan
Even though award functions love Shah Rukh Khan and they try their best to make him either attend or host one, he himself has no high regard for them. During the launch of a new award ceremony (what an irony!), SRK gave his opinion on how these events are being conducted, which isn’t much, as he said, “Television has destroyed the credibility of awards functions to an extent. Honestly, what happens now is an award function is made more television friendly. It is really sad according to me. The organizers initially start with a lot of earnestness and ethic, but somewhere we get entangled in the loop. I won’t take away the fact that everyone tries to be credible, everyone tries to make the best step possible but I think that reasons of commerce and economics sometimes don’t let it go to the extent.”
Karan Johar
Karan Johar might be seen hosting every award function there is, including the upcoming Filmfare award, but even he is quite sceptical about how these events are conducted, though unlike SRK, he isn’t that vocal. During the Filmfare announcement event sometime back, he said, “I have not taken any stand nor do I want to because I am going to award ceremonies for either award or money. The reason I come to Filmfare is to be a part of history. So their validity and integrity, sometimes becomes doubtful, whether it’s the real deal or not. But people do watch them. A majority of people watch such ceremonies on television because channels are huge, TRPs are massive, people want to see stars and do believe the show also. So we are in a confusion whether to empower those award ceremonies or stay away from them.”
Akshay Kumar
At some media interaction held last year, when Akshay Kumar was asked about not being nominated for the prestigious Filmfare awards, he replied, “Awards? (Laughs) it is alright. Many a times in the past when I have gone for awards, they give me the card and then I see around. If a person’s name mentioned in the list is sitting ahead of me I am sure he will get the award. It has become a guess game. Actually not even a guess game!” Even during the Koffee With Karan episode he openly asked Karan whether his Koffee round is rigged as the award functions these days.
Arjun Rampal
The National award winning actor for Rock On has apathy towards glamour awards, as Arjun Rampal once spoke in an interview, “I agree with most of the actors when they say award functions are like a reality show. It is really sad. I remember when I came into this industry there were such credible award shows and to win them was such a high. The more commercial they make, it loses its credibility. It becomes boring. I think the award functions have lost tremendous amount of credibility in my life.”
Irrfan Khan
Well, we didn’t expect internationally acclaimed Irrfan Khan to appreciate desi awards, do we? This is what he had to say, “Winning awards doesn’t do anything for an actor or director. You will not get more money or better offers because they have no credibility. It’s not something that one puts in their resume. In the West, Academy awards or Golden Globes have a lot of significance. If someone wins an award there, their graph goes up. They get better opportunities and the money follows.”
Rishi Kapoor
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The always blunt Rishi Kapoor is not too happy with awards as well, as he once quoted in an interview, saying, “I use trophies as doorstops in my home. What they’ve done to film awards is extremely tragic. Agar sabko khush karna hai toh phir awards ka matlab kya hua? They pleaded with me to accept it (a lifetime achievement award). They think my time on screen is over so they keep giving me lifetime achievement awards. My work continues, irrespective of whether they give me an award or not.”
Kangana Ranaut

Kangana Ranaut is one actress who is never the one to mince words. She has already decided to Aamir Khan way by boycotting Bollywood awards, giving the biggest dissing reason of them all. She said, “I feel that awards shows today are just a facade that the event organisers put up. They are not genuine awards functions. I understand that these are commercial functions that are meant to generate TRPs and make money. So why this façade of felicitating artistes when that isn’t the case? Genuine artistes, like the best technicians, writers and actors are pushed to the tenth row, and sit with their families, hoping to figure out what’s going on with these fancy people, who are in the news for their relationships and item numbers. The main category goes to people who can help generate TRPs. And they might or might not even be deserving candidates. I feel this is not done and we need to change this. Organisers should be honest in saying that this is not an awards function; it’s just a function. I won’t be part of something so dishonest. I completely condemn them for that reason”