
Wednesday 4 January 2017

Bengaluru molestation: Salman Yusuff Khan REACTS angrily says ministers need to be slapped for blaming women

Bengaluru molestation: Salman Yusuff Khan REACTS angrily says ministers need to be slapped for blaming women

Salman Yusuff Khan, one of India's most popular choreographers, a Bangalore boy is deeply pained at the molestation incident and says that ministers need to be slapped for blaming women

Bengaluru molestation: Salman Yusuff Khan REACTS angrily says ministers need to be slapped for blaming women

The mass molestation of young men in India’s IT city, Bengaluru has shocked the entire nation. Today, we saw another horrific video that left us totally nauseated. Many residents of Bengaluru are appalled that something of this sort has happened in their clean and green city. Celebrity choreographer Salman Yusuff Khan, who is a Bengaluru boy is completely shocked that something of this sort has happened in the city. He told Bollywood Life, “It has completely shocked me. Bangalore’s population is one of the most well-educated in India. I have lived in the city for so many years and done by Mechanical Engineering from there. We had educated people in the city…like most of the crowd were students who came to study. It is unfortunate and upsets me to core. I don’t know what to say. People have become animals.”
He also moans the delay that victims face in courts of law. “We as a country need to get stricter. No one should have the guts to do something of this sort. People should look at punish punishments. In the process of trails, courts and judgments, people move on. It does not make an iota of difference to anyone barring the victim and her family. They are the only sufferers. People will only wake up when it happens to someone who is dear to them. We need severe punishments.” An angry Salman says, “How dare these guys attempt something of this sort.” He also says in this context one cannot but look at countries like Saudi Arabia, where punishment is extremely harsh.
It is a common trend to blame migration for such incidents but Salman does not buy that theory. “No…no…no…I don’t buy that. As Indians we should be free to travel, settle or earn our livelihood from any city. As a Bangalorean, I am proud that my city provides jobs to so many. People who come into a city contribute to its growth and it’s the administration’s duty to make them feel safe. I work in Mumbai and I feel the safest here. I won’t worry if my wife travels at night. Why can’t we feel safe elsewhere? Where are we lacking? Authorities need to take things more seriously.” Salman also laments the chalta hai attitude rampant in the country. “People only straighten up after something bad happens. Why can’t advance preparations be enough? MG Road’s New Year celebrations are famous and an annual affair. How can people go wrong?,” he states.
The dancer who will soon be seen in a Hollywood film is equally angry about the attitude of ministers who feel westernized women ‘invite’ molesters. He says, “Can we slap these ministers? I don’t think they deserve to be called as ministers. What do you mean by women staying at home? You talk about Beti Bachao…Beti Padhao…how dare you blame women? Men should be kept at home if behave in such manner in public places. You should lock them up. Men in the country need an education on how to treat women and not look at them always as sex objects. I don’t think politicos would say such stuff if their women were harmed. We need accountability not a blame game session.”
The choreographer who travels all over the world says he is shocked at the laxity and complacence shown at gauging public mindsets. “Even if five kids in a home get the same love, education and lifestyle, they will turn to be different people. We need to make sure there is safety for all. People need to understand this,” he says. Salman turned a father last year to a baby boy, Hamdan and is worried about how the world will be for the coming generation. “Just imagine if I have a daughter I will tell her to sit indoors coz people are bad in the outside world. It has truly pained me that shit like this has happened in my home town.”
He also feels that processes like demonetization has no value if society does not clean up its scum. “Mujhe lagta hai India main sara paisa haram main jaa raha hai…We pay taxes on everything starting from food to our homes but what are we getting. The thought of converting black money to white money is a good move but what is the point of all that when basic thing like security is compromised. When leaders talk of cleansing the system, please clean society of people with dirty mindsets. People who have guts to do something so vile. We have people who are dedicated and can bring about the change. It’s high time we straightened up. And don’t you dare give statements on why women should not go out…Parents give huge sacrifices to educate their kids and prepare them sufficiently to compete with the world. Such incidents make their efforts a zero. If politicians ignore this, it’s shameful that they call themselves leader of a nation.”

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