Bengaluru molestation: Aamir Khan calls the situation ‘saddening’ and ‘shameful’
Aamir Khan, in strong words, has condemned the cruel act that took place on the streets of Bengaluru. On January 1, 2017, at midnight, as the year changed, humanity also realised that things issues regarding safety of women will take time to change. Mass groups of men heckled and allegedly molested women, on the streets. Reports of young women running to female cops for safety and protection have come out. Aamir, who was speaking at the promotional event of Satyamev Jayate cup, said “What happened in Bangalore is very saddening. It’s shameful. Every nation’s government should do something about it. My view on such issues is that when law and order strengthens, things will change. Once there are examples where the man is convicted of the crimes done, change will tale place.”
Aamir raises a very valid point regarding the slow process of bringing culprits to justice. “Law and order will become very strict and so will judiciary. In America, when such an incident happens within two or three months the culprit gets punished and the case is closed. When this will happen here, change will happen. In today’s times, those who molest women think that nothing will happen to them. When examples are set before them that of culprits getting punished and being thrown behind bars, that is when the situation will change and criminals will feel scared. It is important to do that. Through my films and other things, I strive to increase sensitivity among women on such issues, ” Aamir further said.
Police are scanning CCTV footage to verify if some young women were molested and abused during the New Year eve revelry in the city centre, a senior police officer said on Monday. “Though there has been no complaint, we are scanning the footage of the area around M.G. Road and Brigade Road to ascertain if such an incident occurred to investigate and nab the culprits,” Additional Commissioner of Police Malini Krishnamoorthy told IANS.
Not just Aamir Khan but screenwriter Salim Khan has also expressed concern over the whole ordeal.  “Honourable PM Narendra bhai, you have time and again mentioned that India’s youth will drive the country forward. It’s a shame what the youth have done in Bengaluru. Such acts are happening repeatedly all over. We were also young once, but never have such things happened,” the Salim tweeted on Tuesday. “Narendra bhai, the power of the youth is double-edged. It can go either way. You need to address it immediately,” the father of superstar Salman Khan wrote on Twitter.
(with inputs from IANS)