Navratri 2017: Jacqueline Fernandez tells you how to rock yellow colour on the first day of the festival

Rejoice all dandiya and garba fans as your favourite festival has begun today. Get all those blingy costumes and accessories out from your wardrobe for you are going to need them for the next nine days. And hey, don’t forget to match your outfits with the colour assigned for every day. Starting with yellow then green, grey, orange and finally purple on the last day. But as the festival of dance marks its arrival, we had a brainwave of associating our Bollywood celebs with every colour for the next nine consecutive days, just to make it sound more fun and well, glamorous. So on day 1 of Navratri, let Jacqueline Fernandez teach you how to rock the yellow colour with her sartorial choices. Be it ethnic or western, Jackie sure knows how to set the ball rolling for ardent fashion followers like us.
Yellow, as we all know, is the colour of sunshine. It’s synonymous with joy, intellect, happiness and energy. The colour also produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness and the only name that rings with this description is Jacqueline Fernandez. The Judwaa 2 actress has the most bubbly personality in the industry and she can never stop giggling. Others might find it irritating but we love it. Such happy-go-lucky people are difficult to find and we should thank her for making Earth a better place to live in. It won’t be wrong to say that yellow has been Jackie’s favourite colour all these years. And why shouldn’t it be? Yellow makes her look as bright as a sunflower and suits her personality really well. Don’t believe us? Well, we don’t really say anything without any hardcore proof. Find the images below which prove yellow was, is and always will be a colour dear to her heart. 
Yellow never looked so hot!
Yellow Yellow oh-so-hot fellow!
Going traditional is always a fun for Jacqueline Fernandez
But she looks equally hot in a western attire 
Are you all drooling over this beauty?
We bet you guys now agree with us that no one but Jackie can pull off a yellow attire so graciously. Be those Indian attires or modern ones, Jacqueline sure knows how to make an impact on the minds of her fans. And tomorrow we’ll come up with another celeb whose personality matches with the colour green. Any guesses who she/he will be? Let us know your answers in the comment section below…