
Tuesday 16 December 2014

R.I.P Humanity ( Talibani attack on School )

Pakistan Taliban: Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead

The BBC's Shaimaa Khalil reports from Peshawar: ''It started as a normal school day... but it turned into a massacre''Militants from the Pakistani Taliban have attacked an army-run school in Peshawar, killing 141 people, 132 of them children, the military say.

Officials say the attack in the north-western city is over, with all the attackers killed. Seven militants took part in all, according to the army.

Scores of survivors are being treated in hospitals as frantic parents search for news of their children.

The attack - the Taliban's deadliest in Pakistan - has been widely condemned.

Describing the attack from his hospital bed to the BBC's Shaimaa Khalil, Shahrukh Khan, 17, said a gunman had entered his classroom and opened fire at random.

As he hid under a desk, he saw his friends being shot, one in the head and one in the chest. Two teachers were also killed.

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