
Monday 1 December 2014

Written Update - Diya Aur Baati Hum By Inderjeet Singh ( Bollywood )

Diya Aur Baati Hum 1st December 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Maya asking who got their lives in hand. Chaturi shows the choc in her hand. Chaturi goes and throws the choc, saying they will go together or no one will go. Sooraj and Bhabho smile. Shanky and others also throw the chocs. Maya asks what is this joke, you all have gone mad, I feel you are not scared of death. Sooraj scolds them and says Saare Jahaan Se Acha Hindustaan Hamara. He says we will go together, else no one will go, you decide what you have to do. Meenakshi says she has to meet Sandhya. She asks Babasa to wait and she will find out. Babasa says leave it, we will go. She asks Lohya about Sandhya. She says she is pregnant and her medical file is with Sandhya, and she has to talk to her. She says Sandhya told her to meet her at police station, so she has come. She says she is having pain. Lohya does not tell anything.
Meenakshi thinks she can’t see Babasa sad. Lohya stops Meenakshi. She says yes, tell me where is she. He says he knows a key maker and he will get duplicate key for her cupboard. She tells Babasa that her lie is not working, what will we do now. Babasa says I have to talk to Sandhya. She says how will we meet her. He says Sandhya is always on duty at home, and when we need her, she is not here, I will meet her a any cost. She says what if we can’t meet her. Babasa thinks. Zakir is undergoing the mask process. Vadeja tells Sandhya that they have made terrorists leave 10 passengers and now they have to go ahead. Arjun says yes, its good. Sandhya says she is ready and she is sure the result will surprise them.
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Vadeja says Arjun and I are ready for your surprise. They are shocked seeing RK aiming gun at them. He says if you do anything, it will be your responsibility, you thought you will make me faint and make my duplicate. He says he was not unconscious, but acting to wait for right time, and Maya will identity me as she is my sister. He says it’s a good plan and you will get a prize of death. Vadeja is shocked. Maya asks the passengers to decide who will be the 10 people to get free. Sooraj says I know they all are in trouble. Gautam says we should send old, ill, kids and wounded people. Sooraj says fine, and he would like Rohini, Mamta and Sweety to go first.
Sooraj names others who are ill and have some problem. Gautam asks Chaturi to go. Chaturi says she won’t go without Bhabho. Bhabho says Chaturi is wounded and asks her to go. She asks Sooraj to send Shalu along with Chaturi. Gautam asks Bhabho to go as well. The doctor laughs and claps saying well done, fantastic. Zakir removes RK’s mask and shocks them. Vadeja says brilliant, superb and claps for him. He says his eyes and ears were fooled, its brilliant. They thank the doctor. Arjun tells Sandhya that she has proved that Zakir has become RK completely. Vadeja says he has few doubts and wants some answers to give green signal to this operation.
Sooraj asks Bhabho to go. She says she won’t go, she was going to Dubai being worried for him. She refuses. Prema scolds her and says if you think so much, you will die, and asks Sooraj to decide fast. Sooraj says fine and names someone else. Kavya asks Gautam how can he send them, lets go, we both will leave. Gautam says try to understand, they are ill people. Sooraj says our 10 passengers are ready to go. The old people thank Sooraj and Gautam. Chaturi asks Sooraj and Bhabho to come soon. Maya looks on.
Sandhya asks Vadeja what doubt he has. Vadeja asks them to think of the outcome, its not his responsibility, but four of them are responsible, if they are successful then good, else they will have to pay the price. He says if Zakir fails, the world will be against him and call him the traitor. He says Arjun is negotiation expert and was successful always, if he fails, his career will be ruined. He says Sandhya, people will blame her for making the terrorists stay at her home.
Sandhya says she is ready to take the risk, they are responsible to save all passengers and want to teach the terrorists a lesson. Zakir says he is ready to take risk. Arjun says if Sandhya and Zakir can be ready, then my answer can’t be no. Sandhya thanks them. Vadeja says he is ready to do this for the country. He says he is proud to have a team who is not thinking to give life for country, and its time to give an answer to enemies. He says lets do it and they join hands smiling.
Maya says you have just 6 hours, RK should be here. She says ASP Sandhya should be taking care of this duty. The chopper comes to deal with Maya.

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