
Monday 1 December 2014

Written Update - Shashtri Sisters Hi By Inderjeet Singh ( Bollywood )

Shashtri Sisters 1st December 2014 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Rajat keeping the code lock on the safe. He turns and sees Karishma. He asks how can she come when he kept DND sign out. She asks can’t I come. He says not even Anu can come in my work timings. She says sorry, I got this cup cakes and this won’t be accepted after marriage. He says he does not like cup cakes now. Rohan asks Alka to find her phone. Alka gives him. He says be ready in evening, lets go for movie. She says let it be. He asks shall I ask some other girl and jokes. Alka smiles saying she will come. Astha brings the pandit and says her dad asks him for everything. She says pandit ji came here to Delhi and she called him to know about them. Vrinda says she did a good thing. Rihan says he is getting late. Astha asks him to wait for some time.
Astha asks Santo to make tea for pandit and asks pandit him to star his work. He smiles as she signs him. Anu comes to Rajat’s home and sees his room open. She thinks why should she care if Karishma is there, but she has spoiled my bags. She says Rajat should know how Karishma values me. The pandit tells everyone that Rohan that his family will not be happy, as his stars are not fine. Astha says Rohan married Alka. The pandit says some fault in his kundli and everyone get worried. The pandit says it has Stree Dosh, and Alka’s stars are affecting Rohan. Vrinda says we have matched their kundlis before marriage, and that pandit said they both are perfect for each other. The pandit says this is not permanent problem and explains them.
Rohan says he does not believe all this, as the pandit could not say he is married or not. He says he has to go and leaves. Astha and Alka apologizes to pandit ji. Alka asks for some solution. Astha signs him. The pandit says there is a tough solution, can she do this. He asks her to stay away from Rohan, else he can die. Everyone is shocked. Karishma asks Rajat to have a cupcake and insists. She sees shadow and says Anu. Rajat looks on and acts sweet to her. He holds her hand and praises Karishma. Anu gets jealous.
She comes to them and knocks the door. Rajat says who is it, I kept DND board, still…. He acts seeing Anu. Anu says sorry to disturb, I m seeing you both are busy, I have to tell something. She walks to him. Rajat asks what is it. Anu tells what Karishma has done. Karishma says she was in hurry to meet Rajat and did not give attention who came in between on the way. She says sorry, and asks Rajat is he annoyed with her. She taunts Anu. Anu looks at Rajat. Rajat makes Karishma eat the cupcake and Anu gets angry. Rajat says its good Anu does not get into any effect seeing them, else he would have felt guilty. Karishma goes to change.
Karishma changes her dress and wears the bath robe as her dress was spoiled. She asks Anu did she flirt with Rajat in her absence. Anu leaves. Rajat says Karishma that we had to make Anu jealous, not insult her. She says relax. He says be careful next time, I love Anu and respect her a lot. He says don’t forget this. Anu comes home and Devyaani finds her upset. Devyaani thinks Anu has seen Rajat and Karishma together, and wishes she can help him, but even she is unable to come out of this pain, so how can she help them. Astha sees Alka coming and acts on phone, telling she is worried for Alka and Rihan. She says pandit told them to be away for some time, but they can’t, as they are newly married, but if anything happens, then they will blame all the life.
She says I wish Alka is smart, I also want everything to get fine. Alka gets worried. Rohan comes to Alka and asks her to get ready for movie. Alka thinks about pandit ji and moves away from Rohan. He asks her what happened. She tells him everything. He says he believes in Lord and nothing will happen to him. He asks her not to think this. Alka says if they love someone, they fear to lose that person and people believe things that may not exist. Alka says she will solve this. Karishma asks Rajat what happened. He says sorry, I feel we should not carry on this plan. He says I can’t lie to Anu, we should tell her we are acting. She says I saw her jealous. She says she can go away from me, and when we tell the truth to our families, they will be so hurt, Anu does not like lies. Karishma thinks she will not lose Rajat so easily.
Karishma tells Astha about the code. Astha says if she can get that CD, then she will break Rajat and Anu. Astha and Karishma plan to use the CD and break their love story. Karishma hugs her.

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