
Tuesday 24 March 2015

Razia Sultan Written Update - And Tv

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       Razia Sultan 2nd April 2015 Written Episode

Sultan altamash announces Ruknuddin as Delhi’s subedar. Razia gets sad. Prostitute looks at her and smirks. People chant ruknuddin’s name
Shamshad says sultan altamash ruined qutub shahi sultanat by making prostitute’s son its subedar, which should have gone to her husband sultan kutubuddin aibak’s legal heirs. Uzma says even altamash tricked before and took over her brother Azam Shah’s place. Qutub says her brother was an womanizer and drunkard, so her abbu sultan aibak made altamash as sultan. Shamshad asks them to stop to stop fighting. Uzma’s husband says her that she is favoring her son’s murderer who snatches Nasir’s right. Nasir says he cannot hear wrong about his abbu and knows his abbu well.
Sultan altamash reminisces the recent events where nasir tries to kill ruknuddin and turkan’s tricks and gets sad. Razia comes there and says Nasir did not go himself and he should call his family back. Sultan says they made a mistake by leaving without his permission. Razia requests him to not break the family and call everyone back. Sultan says what nasir did is punishable act, but he will forgive him for her sake. She thanks him. He calls minister markand and asks him to go to multan, thank its sultan for his hospitality and tell family that they can come back if they wish, but not to request them. Razia says she stayed here for him, but wants to go with markand to multan to meet her aunt and relatives.
Prostitute’s son ruknuddin enjoys bathing with ladies. One of them brings alcohol for him. He drowns her in water, laughs and asks them to pour water on sultanat’s subedar. Prostitute comes there and tells sultan has sent Markand and Razia to Multan to bring Nasir back. Ruknuddin says let him come, he will make him carry his shoes. Prostitute says shoes can become crown one day and says he tried Nasir and became subedar, but Nasir is a very good commmander and can become sultan any time, so she is thinking of finishing him. He asks how will she. She gives her ugly smile and says wait and watch.
Althunia sees sweet maker making jalebis wrongly and prepares jalebis himself. Man asks he looks like a soldier. He says he is like a water, he becomes soldier in war, cook in kitchen, poet in poetry competition. Man says he is too good. Althunia then enjoys jalebis and asks his friend to enjoy. Friend daru says soldiers are searching them. some of them comes. Althunia flashes mirror on horses and makes them run with soldiers. Daru says he got very afraid and asks him to finish is jalebis. Althunia says he will go to multan with Razia.
Razia is walking in lawn with her assistants. turkan comes there and gives ugly smile.
Precap: Razia takes permission from her dad to leave for Multan. Turkan says she will create rift between sultan and nasir and make them enemies.

         Razia Sultan 1st April 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with prostitute Turkan and her joker son Ruknuddin laughing after tricking Nasir. Nasir goes back to Shamshad and says he will also accompany her to Multan. Razia says they should not hurry and she will speak to Abbu/sultan. Shamshad says when Nasir does not want to stay here, she should not force her. Razia says she will stay here to take care of abbu. Qutub says let her stay here. Shamshad says her mom cannot travel much, so she will stay here. Razia goes and hugs great grandmom.
Althunia tells his friend Daru that he has to go back to horse stable as he left perfumed cloth there. Daru asks him to think about him at least.
Turkan asks Ruknuddin to remove sultan’s rings and clothes before he wakes up. Ruknuddin says what if they kill sultan. Turkan asks him dare not to repeat it and says she loves sultan, though he did not make her mallika/queen, anways sultan’s destroyal will start tomorrow.
Shamshad, Nasir and Qutub leave for Multan. Great grandmom/badi nani says because of prostitute turkan, family is shattered. Razia says she will speak to abbu. Badi naani asks her to wait till morning.
Soldiers see perfumed cloth/dupatta on floor and asks whose it is. Althunia comes and says it is his and whoever touches it will repent. A solider tries to pick it when Althunia runs and punches him. Soldier falls unconscious on floor. Other soliders take out sword. Althunia asks them not to trouble him and says he got what he needed, so he will run.
In the morning, prostutite and her son wait for sultan to come and announce subedari. Sultan comes and does not see his family. Turkan says she told him nobody would come from royal family. Sultan gets sad. Razia comes with badi naani. Sultan gets happy and tells turkan he told already, her thinking is very smaller than his and says he knows his children well. He asks Razia where are other and Nasir. She says Nasir left for Multan with Shamshad and Qutub. Sultan is shocked to heart that and prostitute and her son happy.
Qutub at Multan palace tells Shamshad they should not have left Delhi like this. A lady identified as Uzma khala/aunt starts her introduction and overacting. Nasir greets her. She kisses his forehead. Nasir asks where is uncle/khalu jaan. A man comes greeting and hugs Nasir and tells he felt good hugging him. Shazia greets him. Uzma khala asks why is she looking dark and asks if it is due to traveling or she is waiting for her husband. Shamshad asks her to stop her drama and hug her. Uzma says she loves Qutub and sultan more than herself and says that prostitute tricked and made her son Subedar, it is very insulting.
Brainless dumb sultan says it is his insult that his family left without his permission. Turkan and her son smirk. Badi naani asks him to think again and take a decision. He says there is nothing to think and announces Ruknuddin as Delhi’s subedar. Ugly turkan and joker ruknuddin smirk hearing it and Razia sad.
Precap: Razia asks sultan to forgive his family call them back here. He says he will give one chance. Turkan tells ruknuddin that sultan has sent razia and minister Markand to Multan..


         Razia Sultan 31st March 2015 Written Episode

The episode with prostitute Turkan trying to brainwash Sultan Altamash (brainless dumb sultan) that Nasir did not accept his decision and will revolt. Sultan says he knows his children and knows Nasir will come to him in the morning. Prostitute says all big dynasties fall due to indifferences between family members and she can see a legal heir’s angst over his sultan father.
Razia asks Nasir to calm down as prostitute tricked dad. He says dad believed prostitute and her son but did not listen to him and whole family. Shamshad comes there and says she cannot see ruknuddin becoming subedar, so to oppose sultan’s decision, they all should leave for Multan. Nasir says she is thinking wrong, Razia’s view on Abbu is right. Shamshad says his abbu values tricks and lies over truth and bravery, so he snatched his subedari and sword and gave it to ruknuddin and this is not the first time sultan did this and tries to continue, but Qutub stops her. Nasir asks why did she stop naani. Qutub says his naani is getting too emotional. Razia says Nasir should apologize abbu. Shamshad says when he did not do any mistake and instead was taken off his Subedari, why should he apologize. She says it is between father and son and there should not be any ego between. Shamshad asks Nasir to take a decision soon as they don’t have much time.
Althunia and his friend wander around royal stable. Friend asks where did he get this horse from and why did he come back to stable. Althunia picks performed cloth and says he came for this. Friend sleeps on floor and asks him to look at moon. Althunia says they have to leave before soldiers come.
Rest comming soon.

       Razia Sultan 30th March 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Razia confronting Ruknuddin. Ruknuddin says he will smash her. She says when a woman can give him bright, she can vanish him also. He angrily tries to stab her, but she overpowers him and is about to slit his throat when Ruknuddin holds her hand and says he will see who will save her now. Nasir comes there and asks him dare not to touch his sister. Razia tells him that ruknuddin and prostitute turkan cut horse’s seat and tricked him in competition. He has hidden seat now. Nasir asks to return the seat. Ruknuddin says he does not know and starts his drama. He provokes Nasir telling he lost in competition, so he is irked over him. Nasir gets irked and starts beating him. Prostitute on the other side provokes sultan against Razia and Nasir. Sultan as usual believes prostitute. Minister comes and tells him that nasir is beating ruknuddin.
Ruknuddin continues provoking nasir. Razia asks nasir to calm down, but he in a fit of rage is about to kill ruknuddin when sultan comes and asks him to stop. Nasir says he came on right time and says Ruknuddin cut horse seat and tricked him. Turkan throws seat on floor instead and says Nasir’s drama is finished now. Nasir says this is the seat. Prostitute says why will she hide seat if she had done any mistake and says she came to know about his and Razia’s tricks and informed sultan on time. She says she is not feeling bad because of their trick, but is feeling bad for sultan and tells Nasir if he wanted to win, he would have told her and she would not have let her son compete. Razia tells sultan prostitute is lying. Sultan (brainless and dumb) yells at her to stop. Prostitute says these royals cannot digest a prostitute’s son becoming subedar, so she will go back.
Sultan asks her to stop and tells Nasir he disappointed him. He says he gave him sword to teach him that he should be determined even if he wins or loses. Nasir tries to speak, but sultan stops him. Sultan is about to announce. Shamshad asks him to rethink before announcing anything and says his wrong decision will make the whole sultanate repent and history will question his wrong decision.
Althunia sees someone following him. He catches him and asks who is he. Man removes shawl from his face and Althunia is happy to see his friend. Friend happily hugs him and they both corverse.
Sultan in his brainless dumb style announces Ruknuddin as Delhi’s subedar. Prostitute and ruknuddin smirk while razia and her family feel ashamed for sultan. Sultan then announces rest of subedari rituals and felicitation tomorrow in royal hall. Turkan looks at Razia and gives her ugly smile.
Precap: Shamshad says to condemn sultan’s decision, he whole family will leave for Multan. Althunia is seen traveling with Razia on her chariot’s top..


         Razia Sultan 27th March 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Razia telling her assistants that she has to find out horse’s seat to prove that Nasir was tricked to lose.
Ruknuddin enjoys bath with lady servants. Turkan comes there and asks him to stop enjoying with ladies. He says he will become Delbhi’s subedar soon, so he is celebrating. She says until Razia is there, he will not. She is going to find horse’s seat, so he should find it before her and erase evidence.
Althunia runs in jungle. His boss’s servants follow him. Althunia kills them and reaches palace.
Razia moves towards horse stable and sees Ruknuddin walking towards it. Fathima says he must be going to pick horse seat to erase evidence and asks Razia to go in while she confronts Ruknuddin. Althunia enters palace hiding from guards. Fathima lures Ruknuddin with her bare legs. He gets lured and starts following her and she hides. Razia reaches stable and asks her assistant to guard outside till she comes back. Fathima continues luring Ruknuddin. He comes near her. She runs again and hides. He says he would have caught her, but he has some important work. She says she fell for him seeing him win the competition. He says he is going on his mom’s work, else he would have lured her and leaves.
Razia gets horse back and gets happy. Ruknuddin comes and she hides seat under grass. Althunia comes there and falls on her. They both roll on floor and then get up. He holds her mouth and says they both are thieves, so she should believe him. Ruknuddin comes near them, but due to dark walks back. Althunia signals Razia to go, but she does not see his signal. He then holds her hand tight and pushes her towards window. He also goes next to her and stands holding her hand again. Ruknuddin leaves. Althunia steals horse and asks Razia to come with her, but she stops and he leaves. She thinks if she comes out, Ruknuddin will see her, but that stranger stole horse from her stable, she will not spare him. She goes to get horse seat, but does not find it. He servant Chanda says what if Ruknuddin took it and apologizes him. Razia says she will stop Ruknuddin before he erases evidence.
Razia runs and asks Ruknuddin to stop. Ruknuddin stops. She asks him to give horse seat. He says he did not hear her as he felt flies around his ears. She says he is right, flies sit on dirt. He says if he does not, will he kill her and then says there no guard here, so he will kill her. He takes out dagger. She says he keeps dagger along with conspiracies. He says everything is fair in love and war and says she insulted him in front of everyone, so he will not spare her. Their argument continues.
Precap: Razia hits Ruknuddin. Nasir comes and is about to kill him for touching Razia when Sultan altamash comes. Nasir says Ruknuddin misbehaved with Razia and had tarnished his horse’s seat. Turkan alleges NAsir instead. Sultan announces Ruknuddin as Delhi’s Subedar. Shamshad says nobody will attend this function. Althunia travels with Razia’s troup on camel..

             Razia Sultan 26th March 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Razia happily telling her assistant that because of unknown winner, Ruknuddin lost his chance of becoming subedar. She gets irked seeing prostitute turkan. Turkan makes her usual ugly faces and asks if she is not happy seeing her. Razia says she does not to express something and have something else in mind. Turkan taunts her that Nasir did not win competition and fell from horse. Razia says if Nasir would not have fallen, she would not have seen her son Ruknuddin alive. Turkan continues her ugly laugh and leaves.
Sultan Altamash gets tired waiting for winner. Minister informs winner was not Shah garh’s prince and was an imposter.
Althunia’s boss lashes his slave for stealing roti from his kitchen. Althunia holds his hunter and says he cannot punish a poor man for steal roti. Boss says if he interrupts, he will beat even him. Althunia says just because he ate his food, he is keeping silent, else he would have cut his hand. Boss says acts and says he is afraid of him and shivering and slits slave’s throat. He then says he will kill many slaves and will leave him to bury them. He tries to slit another slave’s throat when Althunia holds his dagger and beats him. Boss apologizes him and pleads to forgive him. Althunia leaves him and walks. Boss then picks axe and is about to kill him when Althunia’s friend throws knife towards Althunia, he picks it and kills boss.
Turkan tells Sultan that winner was an imposter and he is so irresponsible, so in his absence, Ruknuddin should be made Delhi’s subedar. Sultan asks scholars to give their opinion. Shamshad gets sad and tells now dancer/prostitute’s son will rule Delhi now and not brave warrior like Nasir. Razia says she is surprised how can Nasir fall from horse when she tied the seat. She reminisces someone’s presence in horse stable and turkan’s taunts and tells Turkan tricked them and she will not keep quiet. Qutub asks her not to do anything. Scholar tells Sultan that Turkan is right, they should make ruknuddin as subedar. Ruknuddin and his prostitute mother smirk. Razia comes out and says maybe winner does not want to identify himself, they should wait until he comes back.
Althunia’s friend tells it is sin to kill boss, so they should leave Delhi now. Althunia says only he will leave and says slaves that they are free now. Boss’s followers surround him with swords. He asks if they want to die from his hand, jumps, waves good bye and leaves.
Razia says sultan imposter was a real warrior and proved his competency, so he should wait for him. Turkan asks if she will bring him. She says at least people will think sultan gave winner a chance at least. Sultan says Razia’s thinking is right, he will wait for imposter till tomorrow, if he does not wait, he will make ruknuddin as Delhi’s subedar. Razia gets happy while turkan and her son get tensed. Turkan thinks imposter will never come back. Razia thinks if he will come back or not, she will get a chance to prove Ruknuddin tricked and defeated Nasir.
Precap: Razia goes to get stable to get horse’s seat. Althunia comes tthere and falls on her. They both rollover on grass. He holds her hand and she gets shy and tries to free her hand.


            Razia Sultan 25th March 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Althunia and Ruknuddin’s fight. Althunia easily overpowers Ruknuddin and throws his sword. He then asks him to pick back his sword. Ruknuddin in lieu of picking his sword throws mud on eyes, but Althunia escapes. Razia gets happy seeing Althunia beating Ruknuddin. Althunia continues looking at him ignoring Ruknuddin. Ruknuddin senses opportunity and tries to stab him, but Althunia again overpowers him and pins him down on floor. Prostitute turkan makes her ugly faces. Althunia raises sword to kill Ruknuddin, but punches sword in ground. Ruknuddin gets unconscious and falls on ground back. Prostitute shouts and asks servants to take Ruknuddin for treatment. Razia praises Althunia. Althunia continues looking at her again. Mere maula mere maula….song… plays in the background.
Servant informs Nasir and Qutub that Shah garh’s prince won the fight. Qutub says he was very brave and she is happy Shah turkan’s evil plans did not succeed. Nasir says dad’s decisions are really great, he gave opportunity for every warrior.
Sultan Altamash asks Althunia to come forward and take his reward of Delhi’s subedari. Althunia does not come and leaves silently. Minister says winner went. Sultan asks him to announce that he will reward winner in today’s royal meeting. Razia says he is very shy that he does not want to show his face and left silently.
Althunia is sitting near oasis and reminisces Razia praising him. His friend Daaru says he is fool to not get his reward. Althunia tells his philosophy…and continues…
Razia tells Nasir how Althunia/unknown man overpowered Ruknuddin. Nasir says he is laughing thinking about Ruknuddin’s injuries. They both continue laughing. He shows her Sultan’s gifted sword and asks her to read message on it. She reads that true warrior is not the one who wins, but whose decisions don’s deter. She says dad is really great and takes care of all his children. Sultan comes there. Nasir says instead of applying ointment, Razia is troubling her. Razia asks if she is really troubling him. Shamshad comes and says she feels someone tricked Nasir. Sultan asks her to doubting anyone and says true warrior is one who considers his defeat as his and not blame anyone and says in the evening, he will reward winner.
Althunia goes back to his troupe and troupe members ask where was he. He says where has to be, between prince and princess. Member says his boss is waiting for him and is fuming. He says if he is fuming, they should have prepared tandoor chicken on his fumes. Member asks him to stop joking and meet boss.
Ruknuddin is writhing in pain. Turkan removes his nazar with smoke. He asks her to stop that smoke and says if he gets the winner, he will kill him.
Althunia’s boss shouts and waits for him. His friend says althunia is in tent, working. He goes and sees him working on sword and asks how did he come. Althunia says looks like his wife scolded him. Boss says he should not forget that he is his servant. Althunia says he knows. Boss asks he came to this tent and did not find him and asks where is his clothes, sword and horse. Althunia takes him out and shows horse and sword and asks him to eat less drugs. Boss says if he is caught, he will not spare. Althunia thinks just because he called him boss, he is thinking himself as god, but he does not know he is the real boss of this area.
Ruknuddin says he wants that winner killed soon. Servant comes and tells winner is not a princess and as per his news, prince has gone on a vacation and says winner is a slave. Turkan laughs and with her usual ugly filthy face says people thug in Delhi, but she is the biggest thug, she will see how will winner get his reward.
Precap: Sultan’s minister tells he should make Ruknuddin Delhi’s subedar. Razia says she will find winner. He says if she does not, he will make Ruknuddin as subedar.


             Razia Sultan 24th March 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Nasir and Ruknuddin holding sultan Altamsh’s sword at once. Sultan says they both won, but subedari will be given to any one of them, so they will have to fight. Prostitute turkan gets happy and makes her ugly faces thinking Ruknuddin will fight wiht Nasir on his horse and win. Ruknuddin climbs horse. Nasir provokes him if he is not brave to fight on ground with him. Ruknuddin accepts challenge. Ugly turkan gets tensed and makes weird faces.
Ruknuddin and Nasir’s fight starts. Nasir overpowers Ruknuddin and throws him on floor. Ruknuddin falls on ground. Razia gets happy and shouts at Nasir to beat Ruknuddin. Nasir overpowers ruknuddin again and throws him on ground. He takes his sword to kill him, but looks at sultan’s inscription on sword and stops. People shouts Nasir’s name. Ruknuddin throws mud on Nasir’s face to blind him. Nasir beats Ruknuddin and throws him on ground again. Turkan gets tensed and signals Ruknuddin to climb horse. he runs and climbs horse. Nasir also climbs on horse. Razia thinks Nasir will easily win over Ruknuddin. Nasir’s horse seatbelt has already been cut by turkan. Just when Nasir tries to hit ruknuddin with his word, seatbelt cuts and he falls down. Ruknuddin says he will kill Nasir today. Razia shouts Nasir to get up. Ruknuddin picks hammer and continues hitting him. Turkan starts laughing. Qutub asks Shamshad to stop this competition, else he will kill Nasir. Ruknuddin raises hammer to kill Nasir when turkan signals him not to kill Nasir. He hits hammer on floor and tells Nasir he would have killed him and starts laughing. People chant Ruknuddin’s name. Nasir is lifted by soldiers on stretcher and taken from there. Nasir smirks.
Minister asks sultan to announce the winner. Sultan gets up to announce, but Althunia enters the competition ground on his horse and asks him to stop. Razia identifies as the man who snatched her performed cloth. Althunia identifies himself as Shahgarh’s prince and greets sultan. Minister says this competition is ovthoer and he came late. Althunia says as per war rule, war does not finish even if one warrior is alive. Minister asks him to go back. Althunia says if he does not allow him to fight, his people will badmouth about him. Altamash asks him to stop and says though he does not know where he came from and who he is, looking at his determination, he is giving him one chance and asks to start the competition. Prostitute and her son Ruknuddin get tensed.
Althunia and Ruknuddin’s fight start. Razia smiles. Her assistant asks why is she laughing instead of punishing her culprit. She says if he defeats ruknuddin, he will be rewarded.
Precap: Althunia defeats Ruknuddin and leaves silently. Turkan says if winner does not come back, Ruknuddin should be announced Delhi’s subedar. Razia says she will find the winner.

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